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Recent content by Beasty

  1. Beasty

    Domain name issues with Easy Group

    David Hansel, formerly of Memery Crystal, now has his own firm - Hansel Henson (www.HanselHenson.com). He is the guy who represented EasyPizza and EasyArt (and I think some others) against EasyGroup. If you have a problem with EasyGroup - he would be the guy I would recommend...
  2. Beasty

    Business argument regarding domain name

    I am with diablo on this. Being the domain registrant is a good place to start from, but the OP raises issues that flag up ownership of copyright in the site, any agreement between the parties, etc. that would also need dealing with. Without knowing more, it is not possible to advise...
  3. Beasty

    DRS 07607 rottentomatoes.co.uk

    According to the registration contract, I think it is a contractual right or a license to use - which is capable of being a valuable asset. Here however is what Lord Hoffman had to say in the House of Lords judgment in OBG v Allan (more famous for the Michael Douglas/Catherine Zeta Jones...
  4. Beasty

    Trademark in US, but not in UK

    Yes - DRS rights are not limited to UK TM - any TM rights (e.g. US ones) will satisfy the rights test for the DRS.
  5. Beasty

    [news] Narnia domain name

    You are right, it used to be life plus 50 years; but now it is the life of the author plus 70 years. In the case of joint authors time starts to furn from the death of the last author. The idea is to give the next generation or so of the creator benefit from the work, before it falls into the...
  6. Beasty

    Potential DRS

    bb99 is almost certainly right on how a "close" transfer would be viewed - and I think quite rightly so, since a transparent dodge of this type should not succeed if there has been abuse.
  7. Beasty

    Large number of suspended domains and a sad story

    Anyone able to cast any light on this story? http://isitmeoriseveryoneelsestupid.com/2008/05/28/the-sad-story-of-uk-domaining-company-and-what-lessons-we-can-learn/#comment-473
  8. Beasty

    Election results

    Many thanks to everyone for your support and also for your votes! Best wishes Jim
  9. Beasty

    A storm is brewing re Board elections!

    C'mon - whoever you choose to vote for, one thing that can't be said is that the election is not offering a choice of candidates. Surely there's someone there for everyone! :rolleyes:
  10. Beasty

    My Additional Statement in Response to Nominet's Letter

    General Comments The Nominet Board (with the exception of Angus Hanton) posted online their open letter regarding the forthcoming election and invited a response from the candidates. My response has been delayed by a flight from Australia, by my requests to the Board to correct serious...
  11. Beasty

    Nominet board election

    Thanks for the support guys! Well, the election has started. You can find my position on things on my personal webpage - www.jimdavies.me.uk My main focus is on keeping costs neutral; working out how to stop/deal with the surplus (BTW I think legally that rebates may well be possible, but...
  12. Beasty

    .co.uk / .com what are your rights ?

    As has already been said, it is UDRP for .com - which is different from the DRS for .uk. Court is available for either type of extension. As for the rest, I am afraid that it really depends on the name.
  13. Beasty

    Google initiates trademark bloodbath in the UK

    This High Court case is the reason for this change - it is all to do with what amounts to use in respect of a trademark. If you are not using (or intending to use) a mark in a case like this, you cannot be infringing it...
  14. Beasty

    Urgent Advice Needed - Domain/Trademark Dispute

    Spot on JP. However, there is a slight distinction to be made - since in that case it was regd as an affiliate using a different domain.
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