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Recent content by chippyb

  1. C

    Construction/maintenance Links

    Hi Looking for links in the above niches. Pm me what you can offer. Thanks Ryan
  2. C

    _co_uk Victorians.co.uk

    How Much?
  3. C

    Gaming Links

    Looking for video gaming related links Please PM sites.
  4. C

    Best Laptop under £1300

    Yea I was going by price though, they said under £1300 If you want the best of the best with a 17inch screen as well you are nearing more £2k
  5. C

    Best Laptop under £1300

    I got the MSI GS70 for around that price a few months ago, ssd and hdd, i7 and gtx970
  6. C

    Any fsb updates from anyone?

    Hi Carey Still no update on support ticket like I said, been 4 days and the reply I have had was not useful or even thought about before replying
  7. C

    Any fsb updates from anyone?

    Carey, You promote creating child themes but you will not tell me or your support will not tell me which template files have changed in version 6 so I am unable to update my stores to version 6. I have been waiting 4 days now for your support to reply to my helpdesk ticket, I have sent email...
  8. C

    Any fsb updates from anyone?

    You can edit all the files it you want to, I always make changes to the themes to make them better looking or move things around.
  9. C

    _co_uk HotelDealsLondon.co.uk

    Just had a quick look at the stats, not much to shout about 153 visitors last month. Bing webmaster tools said its appeared in 3,538 searches this last month. I think I get the odd commission on lateroom buts I have another site hotelsmiltonkeynes.org.uk that could be sending the odd sale as...
  10. C

    _co_uk HotelDealsLondon.co.uk

    I have the above domain and site that I am not using. Completely forgot about it, would anyone be interested in this site and domain? Open to offers.
  11. C

    Who has version 5.1?

    Anyone have the files from version 5.1? I'm after the files.txt file if anyone has it from that version
  12. C

    Adsense sites

    Looking to buy some websites. - Making £10 -£50 a month - Adsense preferred - Any sector - Wordpress preferred - At least 1 year old I will want to see proof of earnings and traffic stats stats. Please PM me if you have anything!
  13. C


    Should have been more clear I meant yes the main reasons to make websites is to make money and yes I have sites doing that. That is why this isn't a commercial one. I just thought I would see if the domain had any value on its own. Won't be on domain lore any time soon as this one is in the...
  14. C


    Why bold those points and not the other bits like me saying who knows it could make money and hoping it will be a nice resource on the net. Pretty clear to me that I want to make it a nice info site that may or may not make money but thats not the point of the site.
  15. C


    Well basically I asked for a value of the domain. Then it went onto the spelling etc and what it was going to be used for. Then its gone about doing something more commercial. I have explained what im doing with the site but never really go any answer so there we go.
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