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Recent content by DomBoy2000

  1. D

    LetsLiveGreener.co.uk - should I sell - any advice please ?

    The price was actually a little more than this but I have to pay comission to the person who found the buyer - it is going to be used for some kind of automatic information request service or something. I know very little about the value of domain names but I know somebody at a very large...
  2. D

    LetsLiveGreener.co.uk - should I sell - any advice please ?

    Hi thanks for your advice... Having agreed 225 for the green domain and 800 for the email domain I am quite happy living a little green !!!
  3. D

    LetsLiveGreener.co.uk - should I sell - any advice please ?

    Hi, I registered this domain for my daughters school project but somebody has just offered me £200 to buy it. I only registered it a couple of weeks ago and I am surprised by the offer - I think my daughter will have to find another name for her project!!! - I am thinking I should sell it and...
  4. D


    Hi, This is my first post and I would be very grateful for any advice. I have never sold a domain before but I have been asked if I would be interested in selling email-now.co.uk and I wonder how much this would be worth. Thank you very much indeed. I also have mscoders.co.uk, bizbase.co.uk and...
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