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Recent content by JMOT

  1. JMOT

    Bye Bye Acorn.

    Theres no issue. There are no personal issues. I'm not complaining about Acorn & certainly no drama or axes to grind with anyone apart from Google lol. I dont give a shit who thinks my departure is relevant or not. This forum gave a lot to me and I made some good friends here which was nice...
  2. JMOT

    Bye Bye Acorn.

    After several years I've decided I need one less distraction and general excuse for procrastination. I've spent 10s of thousands of pounds with members here over the years and its mostly been a great forum full of enthusiasm and quality debate. 2012 has been a funny year having gotten to...
  3. JMOT

    Good assessment of why SEO is basically DEAD

    Sooo... in the last 7 days we've had a panda update, a new EMD filter and today a penguin update and people believe...still... that SEO isnt dead?? There is evidence all over the shop that SEO is becoming more and more obsolete...
  4. JMOT

    Help needed for Google web search statistics

    yeah that was it thanks. A lot of research is pre penguin and 2012 when G really started fecking with the number of ads and pushed comparison units and shopping ads above organic listings. Theres a minefield of conflicting stats out there. However a 42% increase in revenues post penguin...
  5. JMOT

    Help needed for Google web search statistics

    Hi Trying to help a student mate on a paper he's doing. Finding it hard to get stats on how many searches the average user does on Google and how many searches result in clicks on Adwords?? I saw an infographic lately about 65% of searches generate Adwords clicks but want something...
  6. JMOT

    Good assessment of why SEO is basically DEAD

    So given the EMD update & the other update at the same time Google isnt giving details on + the new updated webmasterguidelines that basically state if you fart in the direction of links you are violating their terms does anyone else think SEO is still really alive...
  7. JMOT

    Google update... going after EMD's

    Winners? Erm... all the folks who went up in rankings and now making more money than before. Oh.. and Google as PPC will increase again for them. If you cant step back and look objectively at stuff it might take a while for the tears to dry up before you can. Trust me i've been the angry man...
  8. JMOT

    Google update... going after EMD's

    Yeah but flip side theres people being hired, homes and goods being bought, new companies started as for every update there are winners and losers and lots of people just got a bump up in income.
  9. JMOT

    Duncan Bannatyne has had a heart attack today

    wish him a speedy recovery.
  10. JMOT

    Google update... going after EMD's

    Yeah I've been thinking that same thing about 2012 being the year the internet matures to a level where the powerful put the squeeze on the little guys...
  11. JMOT

    Google update... going after EMD's

    this guy just found out his EMD tanked
  12. JMOT

    threatening phone call time again..

    Even freakier when people turn up on your doorstep about domains you own/owned thru companies etc lol. I've only (touch wood) had people trying to do business with me in the claims sector. Just record any calls/log emails from the person and if anyone makes any serious threats go to the...
  13. JMOT

    Google update... going after EMD's

    I feel more sorry for those people who just lost a significant portion of their income overnight from lost rankings. Its a hard knock to take.
  14. JMOT

    Google update... going after EMD's

    yeah I read this too and cant believe this got nailed. Its genuinely a quality quality site.
  15. JMOT

    Google update... going after EMD's

    Denial of the events unfolding in the last 2 years is more ridiculous than a contentious thread title designed to spark debate :) Googles evolution and war on SEO in 2011/2012 is something Hilltop, Florida and all the updates since has never come close too. Now add the new Google compare...
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