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Recent content by Lucky Luke

  1. Lucky Luke


    I really like the .uk extension and it looks good in this instance, but Trauiner does have a point about the lack of .uk domains getting built out. I did a search on google for just .uk searching on various valuable keywords, one keyword at a time. Not a lot there yet, to be fair. Trauiner...
  2. Lucky Luke

    .co.uk vs .uk

    I guess the point there is about how cheaply can you buy a premium or reasonable .UK. Even if it's dirt cheap, is it money down the drain? Having said that, I am surprised (and I probably shouldn't be) at how cheaply some quite nice .UK domains go for on DomainLore or Flip Clearly, I like the...
  3. Lucky Luke

    .co.uk vs .uk

    @Trauiner Probably true. Just bumped into the site yesterday as evangelist.uk is dropping today and I wondered what the plural was doing.
  4. Lucky Luke

    .co.uk vs .uk

    Well, it's good to see this lot spreading the word : Evangelists.UK ;)
  5. Lucky Luke

    Legal Help Needed

    were any of them .uk ? ;)
  6. Lucky Luke

    Domain parking at your domain!

    What is Bodis like?
  7. Lucky Luke

    New Nominet drop catching flaw exposed

    My guess is that @Hay has got his server close to Nominet's (legal), has crisp coding (legal) and uses no more than his allotted quota (legal). On any day, he may target a dropping premium domain by giving more of his quota to poll that domain. As he says, he doesn't get everything by any means...
  8. Lucky Luke

    Free.co.uk SOLD $205,000 by DomainBooth.com

    I'm seeing an increasing number of lorries on the road using .uk rather than .co.uk. Clearly, there are more .co.uk's in total, but the .uk is getting traction.
  9. Lucky Luke

    September .uk drop discussion

    Evening, Thought I'd throw a bit of money at Simon (@DropCatcher) to catch a few names for me. My early hit rate this week was good but these late registrations meant my slots were tied up pointing at someone else's (potentially) stolen goods. Goods slots were wasted that could have pointed...
  10. Lucky Luke

    September .uk drop discussion

    That's a nice handreg - surprised it wasn't on a catch list somewhere - or else you're superfast!
  11. Lucky Luke

    September .uk drop discussion

    Thank you. I can now go to bed ;)
  12. Lucky Luke

    September .uk drop discussion

    Strange that it's just Drury's ones that haven't dropped... Have any of his suspended domains dropped today? Did any drop yesterday? Cheers
  13. Lucky Luke

    Estibot saya US$ 75,000

    Some really good domains go for peanuts on Domainlore and some bizarre prices are achieved on Sedo. Flippa seems to get disappointing prices as a rule. Regardless of that, Estibot prices are way out. This can work in both directions by these automated valuers. I've seen really valuable gambling...
  14. Lucky Luke

    VitaminCentre.co.uk with .uk rights Appraisal Please:)))

    Quite nice - reasonably brandable. Not worth a lot undeveloped, but developed it could be a reasonable earner and then saleable.
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