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Recent content by MapleDots

  1. MapleDots

    Complete Removal of negative reaction icons. Building even more Positive Acorn Domains

    That is exactly how you show negative feedback, it is contained in that topic whereas dislike or similar removes a point from likes and people with vendettas will go around from post to post disliking a members responses. This creates a negative atmosphere and does not contribute to a positive...
  2. MapleDots

    Please delete my account.

    We count the stuff that matters, post count, topic count, & likes. Members strive to get higher totals and it keeps it a positive experience all the way around.
  3. MapleDots

    Please delete my account.

    @789.xyz Acorn is a great forum, don't let a few dislikes sour your experience here. Helmut (the owner) is a great fair guy and I'm sure if you give it a chance things will come around.
  4. MapleDots

    Please delete my account.

    Hence there is a big problem on forums. The dislike button is not useful in any way, on my site I have "like" and nothing else. If someone dislikes a post they can say it with content and state a reason why. Better yet give an opposing point of view. The dislike button causes member conflict...
  5. MapleDots

    Nice email.... but...

    I have 3 catalogs of domains, basically thousands of them in .com .ca .net .org .xyz etc For me the numbers are more like 5-10% not 10-20% Mind you that might change when the useless .net's drop. I got a lot of them with one catalog purchase, I got my money's worth for the domains I wanted but...
  6. MapleDots

    Nice email.... but...

    See how I simply redirected your message with the message I posted above. I don't see anything even mildly offensive in this thread that would warrant it's closure. But then again, I always say it's a matter of perspective, your perspective is it's your forum so we have to respect the decisions...
  7. MapleDots

    Nice email.... but...

    A lot of those domains are registered by poorer people, like those in India where a sale of $150 is considered an excellent return on a $10 investment and a $450 sale is considered a home run. They are all over twitterX exorbitantly happy about sales guys like us would not bat an eye too. Again...
  8. MapleDots

    Nice email.... but...

    Then technically all domains are rubbish with a $10 registration fee cost. It's not until someone needs it that a domain becomes valuable. As domainers we are speculative, I've seen two word domains outsell single words. You can have obscure 4 letter domains sell higher than pronounceable 4...
  9. MapleDots

    Nice email.... but...

    Then again.... Should you lock your kids in a their room or do you guide them to an equitable solution? On our site we call moderators "Community Guides", we call the Rules "Community Guidelines". It's all about guiding and directing conversation, not shutting it down. I don't mean to...
  10. MapleDots

    Nice email.... but...

    https://www.acorndomains.co.uk/threads/should-sam-have-done-the-deal.177151/#post-668886 I get the email above, nice post but I follow the link and the topic is closed. I still don't understand why forums close topics, sometimes there is something relevant to ad even years later. On dn.ca I...
  11. MapleDots

    Upcoming Dan changes

    Why do I feel discussing anything about dan.com is basically the same as discussing an incumbent politician? We all know how it ends!
  12. MapleDots

    Hello from Germany

    Hello, always nice to meet new domainers
  13. MapleDots

    Admin from Canada says Hi

    I've been looking around Acorn for a spell and I have to say it is probably one of the better domaining forums. Seems it's quite stable with a good user base and great content. I cannot tell you how excited I am to see another ccTLD forum doing well. I don't know how I overlooked this site for...
  14. MapleDots

    Should Sam have done the deal?

    Personally I would have sold it for that, there are thousand knock off selfie sticks around. I'm not sure how much value that domain would bring to that market. If I'm going to buy a selfie stick I will visit Amazon and so will most everyone else. I would have countered with 10k and made the...
  15. MapleDots

    Some big UK announcements

    I like it when the videos are real and not overproduced.
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