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Recent content by melat0nin

  1. M

    Who's Using Fresh Store Builder?

    Have just read all 51 pages of this thread (phew). I'm about to get up my first FSB store (based on a static site which is currently #1 in Google and has an Amazon Store on it already)- am hoping that with the same unique content and additional relevant products with unique content it'll stay...
  2. M

    Taking an established mini site to the next level

    Well as it happens the .com of the domain dropped yesterday, and I got it!! So hopefully that might increase traffic further. I've had some interest in exclusivity from the companies I contacted, but I'm biding my time to think about what to do. Some of them were interested in creating a kind...
  3. M

    Dropping domain - best approach

    Well I won the auction using NameJet! Am dead chuffed! I already own the .net version of the domain... I was wondering whether there would be any penalty in pointing the new .com to the same server. Would I get penalised for duplicate content?
  4. M

    Catch for 23rd Oct (£50)

    I see, thanks for letting me know. Is it worth backordering with several (no-win, no-fee) services to increase the chances of getting it?
  5. M

    Catch for 23rd Oct (£50)

    Hi all This is my first time trying to catch a dropped domain so pls bear with me. Will pay £50 for a domain dropping on 23rd Oct (.com). Payment by paypal if that suits. Cheers! :)
  6. M

    Dropping domain - best approach

    That was definitely my instinct. I'll do it the proper way then! Do you think it's better to employ a drop service for £££ or pay someone on Acorn Domains ££ to do it?
  7. M

    Dropping domain - best approach

    Hi all I recently received an email from [name]@typeit4u.com telling me that a variation of a domain I own is going to drop soon. He provided a link where I could 'register my interest' in the domain. I've been reading a little about drop catching, and it looks like a pretty scary...
  8. M

    Taking an established mini site to the next level

    Thanks for your replies, I will read David Carter's blog and digest your two options, cc976a. Things have developed somewhat - I've been contacted by two further companies, one of which is willing to pay "a monthly small fee" for advertising (and has asked me what my fee would be - i have no...
  9. M

    Taking an established mini site to the next level

    Hi guys Thanks for your replies. I've never done this part before so it's quite interesting! I emailed a host of sound proofing companies asking if they would be interested in coming to some kind of arrangement. Thing is, those without an existing affiliate scheme want to know what my...
  10. M

    Taking an established mini site to the next level

    Hi all I started a mini site (noisyneighbours dot net) back in 2008 and it's been a reasonable success, although arguably it's developed beyond the strict definition of a minisite. It's got a forum now which is growing all the time, and adsense earnings are £2-3 per day, sometimes spiking up...
  11. M

    Best way to invest lump £££ in online money-making?

    Thanks for the tips guys. I've bought my first sites - a set of 3 for £255 - will see where they go. Stats showed rough avg earnings of £20pm, with some spikes of up to £60-70. Got Christmas coming, and they have development potential, so I think they could be a reasonable success. Here's...
  12. M

    _co_uk sim-onlycontracts

    Can you PM me with proof of traffic and earnings pls?
  13. M

    Best way to invest lump £££ in online money-making?

    Thanks everyone, that's very helpful. My minisite which is earning £60-90 a month (well, last month was its highest earner since Jan 2008 when I started it, and it brought in £92) is noisyneighbours . net. It's #1 in Google for the term, and gets 5-6k uniques per month. I put a forum on it...
  14. M

    Best way to invest lump £££ in online money-making?

    Hi all A couple of years ago I discovered the minisite thread on the forum here and had a go at it, with some success - I was up at 9 minisites, although today I'm down to one, which is making £60-90 per month from adsense. Obviously not a huge amount, but pretty respectable for my first...
  15. M

    NoisyNeighbours.net - improve monetisation

    Thanks for your comments. Some developments.. bizarrely, two weeks ago I was contacted by a researcher from Vanessa Feltz's BBC London radio show (!) and asked to do a short interview. I did that and got a few extra hits from her repetition of the URL, which was nice. Something to put on...
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