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Recent content by namestrands

  1. namestrands

    New Nominet Policy to Kill Drop Catching

    Anthony, I don't think it really comes down to simplistic drop catching days being gone, this is more of a case of who controls those domains and who controls the UK namespace. Giving registrars this sort of Nectar could potentially cause all sorts of issues for registrants, not only that it...
  2. namestrands

    New Nominet Policy to Kill Drop Catching

    It is unlikely that another body will arise to auction off domains, again this puts Nominets effectiveness into question. The UK market should not be wanting to grow up to become that of the TLDs, the UK should be setting the standards for the rest of the world to follow. Simply hanging on to...
  3. namestrands

    New Nominet Policy to Kill Drop Catching

    I would suggest you all read the draft document and respond to [email protected] and do so before the 20th of this month. Do not leave it to others, this is a hugely important issue that needs more investigation and discussion going forward. Its going to hurt drop catchers when the domain...
  4. namestrands

    New Nominet Policy to Kill Drop Catching

    What will end up happening is that the registrars will effectively start tasting once the domain expires and will then scrape the cream of the bunch and allow the rest to drop. Knowing a registrar whom is involved in this sort of practice it would be unlikely that a drop catcher would go after...
  5. namestrands

    New Nominet Policy to Kill Drop Catching

    I have already responded.. pointing out the anti-competitive nature of it all and how it effectively removes a nominet process and therefore control.
  6. namestrands

    New Nominet Policy to Kill Drop Catching

    123REG, 1and1, Heart, Monster
  7. namestrands

    New Nominet Policy to Kill Drop Catching

    According to the new Draft Recommendations and framework for expiry from the issue group on Domain Expiry policy, registrars like 123-REG and others will effectively be able to take control of expired domain names preventing them from dropping, change ownership and auction off or monetise...
  8. namestrands

    23/01/2012 no drops?

    Dropcatching is less than 5% of our revenue, but it truly is a waste not to waste dac quota on domains that are not dropping.
  9. namestrands

    23/01/2012 no drops?

    I think the support staff are as much in the dark at times as we are, they can only rely on the information from the IT department who update them on issues. I know that I could be using my DAC quota for list cleaning or speculation so a heads up would always be useful.
  10. namestrands

    23/01/2012 no drops?

    Spoke to Nominet Support and they said domains scheduled to drop today will now drop tomorrow. However she would not state that with absolute, but had iterated this was the message coming from IT department memo.
  11. namestrands

    23/01/2012 no drops?

    oops sorry me again.. no not this time. ;-)
  12. namestrands

    23/01/2012 no drops?

    Well lets hope that is the case but when nominet called us this afternoon it was clear that there was an issue. We are still cleaning things up here so its clear that Nominet still are dealing with an extensive queue themselves. Once things stop coming in here I will assume that the queue is...
  13. namestrands

    23/01/2012 no drops?

    Sorry Guys I think the problems today were caused in part due to one of our catch servers not capturing an EPP response correctly on a domain that was associated with the Conficker Worm. For nominets security I wont go into details as to what happened but suffice to say we are still cleaning up...
  14. namestrands

    Dropcatching times of day

    A lot of UK names are owned by people in the US/Australia/New Zealand to name a few.. so technically speaking they could be registered at Any time
  15. namestrands

    Action Pending

    Not sure Grant as no other names we are after have dropped today yet. Will try another manual reg and let u know
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