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Recent content by Pete99

  1. Pete99

    Domain Monster fails

    Agree with doodlebug. I recently did a bulk transfer away from 1&1. :shock: Everything went smoothly transfering into DM. :D For a quick and efficient service, DM get's my thumbs up!
  2. Pete99

    Spreading the Word

    Depends on a few factors, including competition and quality of the article. If submitting to more than one article directory, it may help if you spin the article so it's at least 50% different from the original article. Submitting one unique, high quality article to a high authority site...
  3. Pete99


    The hyphen doesn't make a difference. Google reads and evaluates the words; not the hyphen. If you are building a brand, I would not use hyphens. Also avoid having 2-3 hyphens as this may seem spammy. The advantage of hyphens is it can seperate words to increase readability for the user...
  4. Pete99

    Multiple C Class IP Host

    As mentioned, the sites will not be interlinked (i.e. not linked to each other), but used for an SEO experiment. Yes, I've already done this; some hosts have custom hosting packages.
  5. Pete99


    It's true that the most popular sites get crawled and indexed more frequently by Google. Matt Cutts (public face of Google and head of Web Spam) confimed this and also claimed that in one of the latest updates to Google's algorithm, that as soon as sites are crawled, they are immediately...
  6. Pete99

    Multiple C Class IP Host

    Thanks Nick. I know people who have used anything from seohosting/com (part of Hostgator) to cclassiphosting/com, with v. mixed reviews. Any recommendations/good experiences welcome!
  7. Pete99


    The site is indexed in Google. Type: site:motherandinfant.co.uk If you have added more pages, then Google may find and index them naturally (if the site is being crawled frequently) or you can help this indexing process by updating and resubmitting the sitemap. See...
  8. Pete99

    Multiple C Class IP Host

    It's for a blog network, which will not be linked. I am creating this as part of an experiment/test. If the blogs are on the same IP address and/or are linked, it will leave a footprint for search engines.
  9. Pete99

    Domain Monster fails

    Thanks mate. Will give DM a go! :smile:
  10. Pete99

    Multiple C Class IP Host

    Sounds good, and this would leave less of a footprint (but hosting 10 different sites each with a different host may be an admin. nightmare). The sites will not be linked to each other.
  11. Pete99

    Monitor SE rankings

    Rank Checker Have you tried SEOBook's Firefox Rank Checker: http://tools.seobook.com/firefox/rank-checker/
  12. Pete99

    Domain Monster fails

    Has anyone tried: daily/co/uk or namecheap/com? I'm switching from 1&1 (bulk transfer ASAP!) and was considering 123-reg, but from what I've read above, they're not that good.
  13. Pete99

    Host location

    In that case, as GeoMal has mentioned in post #2, use Google Webmaster tools. See: http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=62399 This will enable you to set the geographic location for the domain or sub-folders or sub-domains. TLD is another geo-location factor...
  14. Pete99


    Thanks mrh. Good luck with your transfer from 1&1 to 123-Reg. I'm doing the same. :)
  15. Pete99

    Multiple C Class IP Host

    No, but I just read about it here. For SEO purposes, I'd prefer not to have multiple sites on the same IP, in case it leaves a footprint.
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