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Recent content by theonemanyuri

  1. T

    Nominet iPhone APP download link

    Seems pretty futile. I doubt it's great as a game and any message it's trying to get out about domains is kind of muted by the fact that most websites don't adhere to the rules
  2. T

    PHP / SQL tweaks to finish my site

    It would be simpler, but I wouldn't have learned as much as I did making it all from scratch! I'll use a frame work sooner or later I imagine but for the time being I just want to get this finished so I can play with it
  3. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    I somehow stopped the summary, publication date and thumbnail from working when viewing all articles, or any category of articles. I've fixed that one now though by copy/pasting code from an older 'archive.php' that i hadn't mucked around with.
  4. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    I'm definitely a beginner, I made the site by using tutorials and working out which bits to change to suit my needs pretty much, anything much more difficult than that and I'm stuck, more so now because I've forgotten most of what I took in when I started the site before xmas. I really just want...
  5. T

    PHP / SQL tweaks to finish my site

    I really wanted to finish this site myself but even after getting help (thanks Anthony), I've been away from the code for so long I'm just breaking more than I'm fixing and before long I'm going to throw my PC out the window. Whilst I research using frameworks and work on some content I'd like...
  6. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    I'm working my way through laravel set up at the mo, but I think even with laravel there are still going to be a few things that are beyond me. It's also going to be sometime next year before the site goes live at the rate I'm going lol
  7. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    Although now I've managed to change something and broke the site and subsequent changes have broken it more lol. I hate coding
  8. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    Thanks mate. Anthony gave me enough help to get me on my way again and I can understand what the code he wrote is doing, so I don't feel like I cheated (too much) :P
  9. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    All sent, I sent from a hotmail account though so it may be in your junk folder. Thanks I'll have a look into DigitalOcean tomorrow
  10. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    I've only developed it locally with xampp at the moment, and used hotmail accounts and an email on my shared (free) host to test if it sends. Once this is finished though I'll get some proper hosting again. I'll definitely look into some framework in the future, no doubt it's much more...
  11. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    Ye it's raw PHP, WP or similar would of been much easier but I wanted to really see how it all worked
  12. T

    PHP / SQL help needed, not a big job (I think)

    I've basically finished my site using a number of tutorials and help from some of you guys on here, I've not had a chance to look at it for a few months now though and I think it would be easier to get someone else to finish the last few bits I'm stuck on and then learn from that, rather than...
  13. T

    Anyone read this book?

    Good point Murray. Which post is that chippy?
  14. T

    Anyone read this book?

    I get what you're saying, but I'd just call those things fundamentals of building a site these days rather than any optimization. Most things past that are just a matter of opinion, you've only got to look at how many people with authoritative sites on here get hit after an algorithm change to...
  15. T

    Anyone read this book?

    The SEO forums on here? TBH it's more the monetisation and growth aspect I'm interested in, I've got a small community of regular contributors on my Youtube and social media profiles and I post genuine, good content about my hobby. SEO is so fickle that I've never given it much thought, Google...
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