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  1. A

    What is the best invention in the last 10 years

    hmmmm, i was going to say the dual control electric blanket but that's been around a while. i'm a cook so i guess i'll say the little chopper. works great with onions and peppers and garlic. also like the ipad, and all the new cell phones.
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    Life changing sum of money

    3 years ago i would have said a hundred thou would set things right. now it's more like 250 thou to set things right and another 50 thou a year. had to give up a great job to caretake my dad and my finances took a serious hit.
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    What did you use before Google?

    wow my first thought was ... wasn't google always around. but it wasn't. i got my first 'portable' computer in 1985 (35 lb compaq) and it was alta vista i believe. look at how dominating google has become. don't care what bing is trying to do, i'm a google girl
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    Amazon Black Friday Lightning Deals

    will agree. i always do comparison shopping unless the deal is too good to pass up and it's obvious you're saving a great deal. love amazon. wish they were part of ebates though.
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    A quality, easy to follow PHP book for beginners?

    consider not using a book and doing a free online class. i started doing this several years ago and basically self-taught myself into a new business. one site i really like is hp's learning center.
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    Hosting who do you use?

    you really have to let people know who you chose, and in a manner that we don't have to look through a lot of posts. :) i use 1and1 and alentus. also like godaddy. have used a few cheaper or free hosts but basically keep small sites there. here is my number rule ... must reply to inquiries...
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    New Google Adsense interface

    i've used the new (not really new) google adsense for a few clients. i like getting more stats back that i can share with them. find it very user friendly. normally i'm not a huge fan of google adsense but they've def made improvements.
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    Home Entertainment

    home entertainment i think of a total theater sound system that has the flat screen and a great music system. now what i actually have is a flat screen with no surround sound. no cd player beyond my laptop and car. and i listen to music on both the laptop and my mp3 player that i use when i...
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    .TV names starting to get used...

    i'm acquiring some .tv names for my live stream domains. i love this extension. unless .biz it definitely makes a statement. a positive statement.
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    help please:- seo service offered to a friend ,is it a fair price ?

    whether that's 125 dollars or 125 pounds i think that's too high. i do some of the same work for others and it does not take that long to justify that as a monthly cost. really he should get some other bids or try doing it him or herself.
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    Rejection of marijuana ballot a comedown for domain owners - Siliconrepublic.com

    didn't realize people had done that. more sad over the rejection of the ballot. sure it will come back though.
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    T-Shirt Site

    well it's been a while since you asked for feedback so i checked to see if any of the changes you wanted to make were made. like the facebook touch. consider adding twitter too. didn't see the borders, but don't think they're needed. overall i loved the site.
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    Review my first Article Directory

    i use article directories all the time. honestly, i didn't find the site appealing to the point i'd think it was a good place to post my articles. it looks amateurish. not professional. did look at the categories for articles and that's a good range. good luck.
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    Please review my first online shop

    i liked it. the colors are eye fetching. also the links worked. tried to buy something and had no problem with the cart. i'm not a skateboard person so don't know if your items for sale come in different categories. if they do, then since you have only a few products on the front page, let folks...
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    relaunch of my short url site

    well the front page is a little sparse. look at what bit.ly does with their front page. consider having the site more colorful, and not the background color. your terms of use page obviously has lists so give them bullets or numbers to make more user readable. consider changing the font size...
  16. A

    partly made site?

    i liked the site. for me wish the info on our principals was larger font size. also i'd move that quote box higher on the page. it is really what let's people know what the site is all about right away. also on the links at the top, contact, about us, etc is not as important as the insurance...
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    What drives you?

    stop stop stop doing that. you're losing money if you're designing it for someone else. you're losing money if you're designing it for yourself. one of the hardest lessons i've had to learn as a business person is less than perfect is acceptable because it is generally still better than what's...
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    Spam Comments

    lol. the ones that make me laugh are the same ones that annoy me when they come in my email - sex products. uh duh, don't most people who want these generally just find a site to buy them on. fortunately most of the annoying emails go into spam. i can overlook them in forums. :p
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    when i got on twitter i did a search for keywords that represented my business. yes, it was time consuming, but i got a list of potential followers and people i should follow. as i built up my follower list, yes i was promoting what i did, but i also found some reciprocal people to link with...
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    .TV names starting to get used...

    i can see the .tv being useful for live stream channels. many owners are streaming shows, music, events, meetings, etc. this would be absolutely perfect. personally i'm going to look into it for myself. thanks for the info.
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