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  1. N

    funkystuff.eu and designreality.eu for sale

    funkystuff.eu designreality.eu Any offer considered.
  2. N


    The domain designreality.eu is for sale, any sensible offer considered.
  3. N

    CHEAP hosting wanted.

    To be fair, it's not the racks, servers, power and bandwidth that cost, it's the tech support staff that are the expensive element. 25 domains means 25 new setups and 25 times the risk that you'll need assistance with one of them :) Having said that, 1 customer 1 domain is not so good, 1...
  4. N

    Php and email at Weycrest

    Just take a standard php form2mail script from www.hotscripts.com and use that. I'd have through if the mail is being bounced back to you then the error should give you a starting clue as to what's wrong and after that it's a case of weycrest support fixing it. (thats what you're paying them...
  5. N

    Which websites drop catch .co.uk? Please add here..

    www.netserve.co.uk do dropcatching. £25 + vat, no win no fee.
  6. N

    netserve.co.uk Problems?

    No issues here, it's just been a busy 24 hours preparing new servers for installation tomorrow so we're about 12 hours behind on mail support.
  7. N

    netserve and dropcatcher

    Yes, if the names booked by someone else we won't take your order.
  8. N

    Interruption of Service

    I've just traced both sedo.co.uk and sedo.com and gone through Linx to Schlund.net network. Would someone care to post a traceroute to sedo.co.uk as it may help to identify where the problem is. If neither of those work try a trace to and then (looks like...
  9. N

    Hosting Company

    You may be better off with a virtual private server rather than a reseller account so that you've got full control over the dns zone and apache config. If you want to try a vps free for a month pm me.
  10. N


    rushfm.co.uk 3000+ references in google to rushfm. Offers via PM, buyer pays transfer fee. We'll renew for 2 years prior to release.
  11. N

    123-REG TXT Records

    Can't help on the 123reg side but can do free dns hositng if you want to manage your own zones with support for TXT records. PM me for details.
  12. N

    Domain redirect script

    Several reasons why you don't want to do that. 1) The server is down while you're restarting it after adding new hosts. 2) Each virtual host container is examined by Apache at restart, it checks that the domain points to the IP by doing a dns lookup. ie every restart would hammer your dns...
  13. N

    Domain redirect script

    Use Mass virtual hosting, set apache to respond to the single IP that domains will point to. When new domains are added set a symlink from the new domain to the folder holding the site. eg real pages are in /www/content/ Symlinks /www/www.domain.com > /www/content...
  14. N

    V.A.T on domain reselling ?

    Nominet charge vat to everyone irrespective of their country due to a 'new' rulling by HMCE Fees A full explanation was given here Nominet Mailing Lists:  I've not seen a conclusion to the above mailing list post but given that Nominet still charge vat to everyone I would assume the...
  15. N

    Public catchers/ resellers

    Netserve Consultants, Domains, Hosting, Broandband, Transit can go on the list for a hosted dac service.
  16. N

    VAT Question - Help Please

    Not followed the last few posts fully so ignore me if this is the wrong end of the stick. Aren't sedos fees vatable? ie if Sedo charge you £117.50, isn't £17.50 of that Vat that you can reclaim? (or some % based on German Vat) My understanding of the EU vat regs is that if you sell to an...
  17. N

    No expert but a sweetie

    I did that after a male member of staff had spent a few days flirting via email with a 'Laurie' Yup, she was a he, all 20 stone of him, and quite hairy to :-D
  18. N

    Dedicated Server Providers in the UK?

    Hard disk dead and server not responding but as long as the network is up... :p For most hosts these days network should be a 99.99%+ What really matters is how quickly they can replace hardware or investigate a dead server and thats where a lot of smaller companies fail.
  19. N

    Transfer a suspended domain

    No problem moving the tag on a suspended domain.
  20. N

    When Is Payment Due???

    Ah posting yourself is fine, but remember to take your penknife out of your pocket first otherwise the postoffice won't accept you. (Dangerous objects!) :p
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