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  1. S


    Thank you for the response, I have started several businesses in my working life (44 years old now) my current business has a decent turnover but due to the pandemic I can't work as I'm business to business and most businesses are closed. I am always looking for new business ideas as I'm not...
  2. S


    This is the kind of input I am looking for, I have done this as a business already unfortunately. I have a waste carrier liecence and did house clearances along with furniture referb and sales, the market is crowded and I found myself fighting for £50 jobs then a building full of furniture no...
  3. S


    Like I said, I don't know how to find traffic for keywords but I would have thought British metal bands like iron maiden for example would get a few searches, a basic site with a good general knowledge of a few bands some good links and maybe a link to amazon or such like for memorabilia, vinyl...
  4. S


    Maybe a pun but reasons behind it??
  5. S


    Helpful advice a credit to the forum
  6. S


    I don't want to sell them, I want to use them to make little sites to make money on! Like I said earlier, I don't know what makes a good domain so wouldn't have a clue what to buy/flip I don't need to sell anything to buy more I've got funds, it's more the knowledge I need!!
  7. S


    Thank you for the input, I don't think youtube is for me, I have done a few educational videos that have taken my limited editing skills most of the day to record and edit and I've had probably 200 views in a year. Most of the time when I'm fixing things I need to do it on the spur of the moment...
  8. S


    I wouldn't have a clue how to choose a decent name that I could make that sort of money on tbh. With all the spare time I have ATM and absolutely no way of making any money, I'd like to use my time to learn how to make £1 a day from a domain name, for more a learning curve and something to do...
  9. S


    Judging by the lack of examples, it looks like I'm not the only one that hasn't built a site that makes £1 a day or over!!
  10. S


    Thanks for the input, times have changed since then and I'm wondering if there are new ideas tbh, but will look again at the old thread. I can't find out how to research domains like I did do, like keyword research etc??
  11. S


    Can anyone show an example of a site that makes between £1-100 a day through absence or affiliation?? I'm not looking to steal an idea more to look how a site works. Thanks
  12. S


    One of my half built sites that I started 5+ years ago is exercisesupplies dot co dot uk, it's getting 20-30 hits a day but no sales, needs finishing off and updating! But I have server all domains that may or may not be any good I really don't know what wakes a good domain tbh
  13. S


    Thank you for the encouragement, I've definitely thought about this before, I'd prefer to stay away from my current business as it's more business to business and a very boring monotonous job, highly competitive and something I eventually want to fizzle out. Ideally I'd like to start a business...
  14. S


    I am already a subscriber, I follow a ton of different fixer youtubers, I gave it a go but it seems I’m not as good infront of a camera as this guy 6 million subs though, he will be making some serious money and doing something he loves
  15. S


    I have my own dog and tbh walking him a couple of times a day is difficult enough (due to the size of him and type of dog) but thanks for the input
  16. S


    Thank for the replys guys, I’m always trying different little businesses but none have been a passion as such and none have taken off. I am in a fairly good position as I have access to a starter fund of maybe 5k, some land, a decent sized building, a big van, limited online knowledge and...
  17. S


    What is his channel?? This is definitely something I am interested in
  18. S


    Thanks for the responses guys I’m guessing by an initial look through the threads Adsense and affiliate marketing are the ways to make money?? I do have a few existing sites that I tried to make money on but had absolutely no joy what so ever! I’m more of a jack of all trades master of none...
  19. S


    Hello all Due to the current pandemic I cannot carry out my everyday work as a electrical safety technician and like most am currently making no money and haven’t done for the last month. Even before the pandemic I was looking for another business and have savings to use. I’ve looked into...
  20. S

    36 domains for sale

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