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  1. Bluetram

    .london crumbling..

    Most of the gTLDs are an irrelevance. Fine if you've got money to burn. .Com is still King and will probably remain so for the foreseeable future.
  2. Bluetram

    good evening

    Hi humble pie, welcome to Acorn Domains. Care to add anything else to your opening comment?
  3. Bluetram

    Domain name sportsdirect.co.uk sold for £120,000

    It will come as no surprise then to see that it now resolves to their .com address.
  4. Bluetram

    Nominet announces the launch of .cymru and .wales domains this autumn

    Where will it all end... http://www.doteng.org/index.php
  5. Bluetram

    .London launches

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-27193725 No doubt over time all the major cities and towns will follow suit.
  6. Bluetram

    Geo domain / local area guide development

    Agreed, the layout of Visit Britain looks a whole lot better than most of the others. Regarding the main bunch, ran a broken link check at http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/broken-links.php over a few of them, results suggest some housekeeping might be in order.
  7. Bluetram

    'Stolen' Twitter username 'returned'

    Appreciate it had been discussed in January, top link updates the story.
  8. Bluetram

    'Stolen' Twitter username 'returned'

    Interesting story. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26349212 January news report of the 'theft'. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25963662
  9. Bluetram


  10. Bluetram

    UK Charities Second Class To Domain Squatters

    .org.uk - charities and organisations preferred option. .co.uk - meat of the matter...end of. The fat lady has sung.
  11. Bluetram

    Nominet to check new and existing registrations for sex offence terms

  12. Bluetram

    Swap NewcastleUponTyne in .com for excellent .co.uk geos

    Considering gov.uk has restricted use and not available to the general public some people might consider city/town council sites either resolving to, or forwarded from, .co.uk or .com web addresses an abusive registration.
  13. Bluetram

    weight loss with traffic

    It's all happening over at skitters...
  14. Bluetram

    Best top gear EVER last night

    Here's a link to the original Stig - Perry McCarthy. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/EDITORIAL/CARS/FEATURES/AUTOTALK/top_gears_original_stig_exclusive_interview.html
  15. Bluetram

    Possible slow page loading penalty from Google

  16. Bluetram

    Town sites?

    I take it your interested in the .org.uk. You say the owner won't sell. Judging by the holding page I presume you have made an offer that wasn't accepted. If you did, maybe you should up the stakes a little. .org.uk is becoming next best thing to co.uk and .com in uk geo names...just take a...
  17. Bluetram

    Geo Domains Category

    Had a good look through the various categories but couldn't find anything related to geographical (city, town, village etc.) names. I'm not sure what heading they would come under. I realise I can do a single search on any given name but a separate category is what I really want. Maybe I'll...
  18. Bluetram

    Geo domain section?

    I'd welcome that as well. There has been a noticeable increase in the interest in Geo's and some good sales like Croydon and Harrogate amongst a lot of others.
  19. Bluetram


    I took a look and your right about the loading speed. The initial link in from the browser address bar was very slow, though moving around the site from the links on the top drop down menu was better except when clicking back to the home page, when again loading was noticably slower. I also got...
  20. Bluetram

    .tel domains HELP PLEASE

    Hi, Lakeside shopping centre is in Thurrock, Essex. Kent's nearby equivalent is called Bluewater. As a point of note the Lakeside website is another .uk.com example.
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