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  1. Helmuts

    [Updated] 22-23 August 2022 | London Domain Summit

    This new thread has been created to avoid confusion due to the recent 2 major changes: The dates are: 22-23 August Tickets are FREE --- For the 1st time viewers: The mission is to start an annual networking event for the Domain Name Market professionals and companies in London, UK (with a...
  2. Helmuts

    [Official Thread] 22-24 Aug 2022 - Domain Name Summit in London, UK

    I will create 1 official thread for the international Domain Name Summit in that will take place from 22nd - 24th August 2022 in London, UK (East Putney). All the progress and updates will go here in the comments. I have booked a London-based award-winning Asian restaurant Yum-Sa for 3 days and...
  3. Helmuts

    22-24 Aug 2022 - Domain Name Summit in London, UK

    22-24 August 2022 - International Domain Name Summit in London, UK. Come to London, eat, drink and network with fellow domain investors, registrars, domain brokers, web developers and more. We have booked a London based award-winning Asian restaurant Yum-Sa for 3 days and it will be converted...
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