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WhatsMyName(.)com - Super high searches per month, highly brandable AND aged!

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Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
WhatsMyName.com is for sale.

Want lots of search?

[whats my name] - 60500
[what's my name] - 880
[what s my name] - 135000 (Google doesn't always handle apostrophe properly, hence why most of the search is on this phrase)

Want age? WhatsMyName.com has been registered since 2000.

Want brandable? Snoop Dogg and Rihanna have had this as song names, American Pie had it as a catch phrase, and it is ultimately a popular phrase because of it. It can be used for humor, social media, even domains (i.e. a domain suggestion service or for domain sales).

Price: $3,000 > $2,500 > $2,000 > $1,700 - High offer $1,450

BONUS: Get WhatsMyName.net for FREE when you buy WhatsMyName.com at BIN price.

Payment options include bank wire, Bank of America counter deposit, mailed check/money order, or escrow via Escrow.com (buyer pays escrow fees). Multi-forum post, timestamp determines who gets the domain. Post or PM SOLD with which names you wish to buy. All sales are final.
Last edited:
High offer is now $1,325, price down to $1,800 which also includes WhatsMyName.net!
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