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Please review: deleteaccount.co.uk

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Feb 17, 2012
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Hey guys,

I've created a new website on a virtually reg-fee buy. think the names got potential, do you think the site suits it?

It's at http://www.deleteaccount.co.uk

I think it looks like the kind of interface/website a usual (primarily social) account holder would be used to & like.

My tactic is to try and get users to talk about the site (via facebook like, for example) buttons, through the account they are about to delete. It's optional, but the page is telling the user they should like deleteaccount.co.uk to test if they are signed in - because they must be signed in to start the process.

The next 'step' is located on a separate javascript accordition pane, which is hard to find, so hopefully in between looking for it and reading the first 'step', the user will like the site anyway. And those rarity that aren't signed in will hopefully use it to log in & like the site anyhow.

Here's the 'tactic' page - the pages visitors will be drawn into via the search engines (with hope!): here.
On checking out that page, the facebook like button has disappeared. it's meant to be in-between the first & second paragraphs. I'll fix that later sometime.

I wouldn't myself think it'd draw much social attention, if not for the fact those deleting their accounts' friends (and some will have thousands of friends...) might want to delete their accounts to. If a splurge of friends delete accounts, think of all the traffic of their friends, and their friends - I think it's genius :p

Monetation wise, I've put in a nice affiliate program that pays out around £76 per sale. And the product being sold (PC backup software) costs £2.50 per month. The large commission is based on the fact customers are likely to keep the system for a long time. As a added bonus, customers can try it free, which I love with affiliate companies because those which offer 'try free' almost always offer better per-visitor end result income.

If anyone can offer a better affiliate program, I'd love to look into one though, as I don't find the current one that suitable.

If not reviewing the website, please just say what you think of the name.

Thanks for all and any comments,
So they like your page, then delete their account, thus deleting the like?

It's great that you've put so much thought and effort into it but the site looks naff, you'll never rank for a term with the word 'facebook' in and your conversion rate on such a random offer will probably be less than 0.0000001%.

The domain is good in relation to what the site offers but if it was FTR I'd leave it there.

Edit: I see ranking for the term isn't impossible, there are similar sites, still seems pointless though.
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Hey, thanks for taking the time to reply.

Likes don't delete on account deletion. Not straight away, anyway.

The user goes through 2 weeks of 'deactivation' time... but in a way, the fact is that many friends will be on-line when the like is sent and will instantly see it pop up.

The offers pretty random and I agree I don't sell it well, do you have any betters ideas on offers? Nothing much relates to people deleting their accounts, but at least those who have one account and are deleting it are likely to have others (twitter, etc), which they can store passwords to.

Could you describe what you mean by the site looking a bit naff? That's mostly what I came for.
The bits that look naff are the radiused corners on the boxes and the 'fake' company logos, they make it look very 90's and give it very little credibility.

If you haven't got an offer to promote then what made you decide to build that particular site?

The information is freely available elsewhere, it's not a commercial search, there isn't really anything to promote - why do it?

What made you decide this is a site you want to develop?
I like the domain name, it's very clear what the site is about. I agree that the look of the site isn't perfect, the main central image I feel is primarily to blame. I didn't have much luck finding pages specific to deleting accounts, but maybe you haven't got around to doing that yet.

If the site eventually became popular, I'd tend to go the CPC or CPM route rather than sign up to an affiliate program that might not be all that well aligned to the site.
I went with the idea because I feel it has, although fairly un targeted, a large potential customer base. A lot of searchs are done for 'delete account', and often, only the first 10 or so results are related, and usually 5 of them are grouped like ' delete social networking accounts ' or 'Delete Facebook|Myspace|Twitter', the variation perhaps giving this site time to shine.

On a local sense, it has around 60,000-70,000 exacts... with a name like this, I expect to be ranking fairly high & getting nice click throughs, but the main bit isn't in the traffic, it's in the traffic that that traffic could bring in through social networking. if it doesn't work it doesn't, but it your average visitor brings in just 1.01 visitors who action by attempting to delete their account, that compounding over time could do very well. A lot of people (myself included...) on facebook, click on links, have a look, don't actually be interested and might not try and delete their account, but hopefully these visitors will see some of the adverts, aswell as perhaps the ones who do commit a action.

I guess we'll have to see how it goes, it all depends on the magic rate of 'referral', and whether it's positive enough to be a continual source of traffic.

CPM or CPA could work, I'll try both over time.

In terms of the 'fake' company logo's, they are meant to appear as buttons. Similar to the apps on mac/iphone/ipod/ any apple product... mainly by the reflection.

As both of you don't seem to like them, and neither did some other people I asked, what would you recommend I put in place doing the same thing in roughly the same space?

In terms of lack of usability, yes, most of the 'buttons' don't go anywhere at current, but facebook, hotmail and twitter do.
A lot of searchs are done for 'delete account', and often, only the first 10 or so results are related, and usually 5 of them are grouped like ' delete social networking accounts ' or 'Delete Facebook|Myspace|Twitter', the variation perhaps giving this site time to shine.

On a local sense, it has around 60,000-70,000 exacts

Lisa, which search term has 60,000 - 70,000 local exacts? The "delete account" term only has 260 exact searches per month.
Lisa, which search term has 60,000 - 70,000 local exacts? The "delete account" term only has 260 exact searches per month.

Term's like 'Delete facebook account', which for example had 15,000 local exacts last month, and variations like 'How to delete facebook account', which had around 3,000 local exacts last month.

But then, with this term, it's not even the main search phrases (with virt. no local compeition except article sites & websites own help pages (which users will typically have gone through anyway - they don't tend to be all that useful)), it's definitely all the little variations that can stack up.

In broad mode you catch 40,000 for 'delete facebook account'.

And facebook is only one, although yes, the biggest, only one of the many phrases out there around delete account

I calculated that number by downloading google keywords tool's results for 'delete account' - the first 100 results, in unique mode and check the trends bit on my spread sheet. Looking at it now, that's 54314 exact searchs last month, in the top 100 results alone, and all those results have been checked for relevancy. I'm on the way making a some pages to target each of them.

Few will search for delete account, because google would not know what account they want to delete.

It's also to do with the fact that during 'social exchanges' - when many people go from one social networking site (ie myspace), to another (ie facebook), the searchs go up. One month (~April) came up as over 70,000 exact searchs.

Furthermore, it's a expanding market - I believe 'account's' will always be called 'account', and that as more internet users get more accounts they will need to know how to delete old ones (and, to a point, buy back up protection for those that aren't deleted too :D )

Finally, thank you all for replying - been useful, and I will put the feedback to use.
On a screen 1360 wide, it shows all the content left-justified. You may want to either center it, or left the content re-size based on the screen size of visiting web browser.
An interesting site though -- haven't seen them all listed on one site - bookmarked!
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