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Recent content by inbound

  1. I


    Not looking for valuation, but thoughts on whether certain uses fit domains well - and any suggestions. What are your experiences with non-domainers and their ability to remember a site is .org.uk rather than .co.uk, .com or .org? DataScience.org.uk will become the home for a, non-commercial...
  2. I


    As a UK-centric term, (compared to US) due to differences in language, it's limited in geographical scope - but that suits the .uk extension (I think using .org.uk and then .uk when better known, not .co.uk, is the best route). The issue is what to do with it, building a decent resource on it...
  3. I

    Un-renew Domain Names

    Not too bad then, as you would expect 4% a month if on a 2-year cycle.
  4. I

    Un-renew Domain Names

    Isn't there a limit to the percentage of domains you can do this with? Long time since I read the tag terms, might have changed.
  5. I

    Results of my own parking platform....uk is dead?

    Relying on type-in traffic as a main source of income? Yes, I'm not surprised that .uk domains don't fare well. Building a site specifically for the UK on a UK domain... no reason at all why it should not fare as well (or better) than a .com that deals with a UK-only audience. However, sadly...
  6. I

    DRS Review

    Just managed to get my response in (not exactly as written to Nominet below). I suggested that a "DRS Defence Bond" is enacted when a complaint is deemed to be potentially frivolous. This would be set at, say, £1000, £2000 or £3000 depending on the initial thoughts of a DRS aware...
  7. I


    I thought that might be the case, .me.uk doesn't seem to have got any traction. I know short domains appeal to some people, was hoping that initials (2 letter) would at least have some worth to the right person.
  8. I


    Thinking of selling gk.me.uk, anyone know of the going rate (if there is one) for 2 letter .me.uk domains?
  9. I

    Star Wars domain - no surprise really

    The damages should have been chased and granted (and huge) - this is a clear bad faith registration and trademark violation / passing off. They are very lucky.
  10. I

    .uk for £1

    Buy now for £1 in first year, plus 3 more years at full price OR wait until .uk actually is known and then register prior to 5 year window closing? What a choice... Nobody cares about .uk apart from domainers and domainers are not daft enough to waste cash until they have to make that...
  11. I

    50 Business That Swapped their .com for a New gTLD

    What a collection of awful domains (apart from sport.wales and possibly the international character domain). If that's the best that's on offer then the new GLTDs are truly doomed. I can see the author has registered here, I don't mean to offend him but calling these businesses "creative" is...
  12. I

    Best name for a site all about one (non trademarked) technology?

    I'm looking for advice and inspiration about a name for a site that will cover, positively, a technology which is very specific. The issue is that I can't really avoid using the service name if people are going to easily see what the site is about. The exact match .org.uk is available, but I...
  13. I

    Sam Altman of Y Combinator Says We're In a Mega-Bubble That Can't Last

    I think there are many triggers that could see us heading into a really bad time in the near future. What amazes me is the fact that none of them have already tipped the economy upside down. I think governments around the globe are working very hard to pull the wool over their citizens eyes in...
  14. I


    Sorry to say that the bottom dropped out of the market for anyone using it as a directory, so most of the utility in the name has gone. The wait for an end user may be long, but that's where any return will be. I can't see there being a rush for the name, any domainer will be put off by an...
  15. I

    50% of Alexa 20,000 .co.uk websites have registered their .uk

    Cheers, I thought they had stopped the free download when they changed the Alexa offering. Nice to see it's still there, even if it's not hugely reliable as you get further down the list, it is handy.
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