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  • Users: Beasty
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Beasty

    Large number of suspended domains and a sad story

    Anyone able to cast any light on this story? http://isitmeoriseveryoneelsestupid.com/2008/05/28/the-sad-story-of-uk-domaining-company-and-what-lessons-we-can-learn/#comment-473
  2. Beasty

    My Additional Statement in Response to Nominet's Letter

    General Comments The Nominet Board (with the exception of Angus Hanton) posted online their open letter regarding the forthcoming election and invited a response from the candidates. My response has been delayed by a flight from Australia, by my requests to the Board to correct serious...
  3. Beasty

    Nominet Foundation Trustees

    Could someone please enlighten me. As I read it - http://www.nominet.org.uk/news/latest/?contentId=4822 - there are to be 6 Foundation Trustees. There will be one Board member, one Nominet staff member, three appointed by way of the general advertisement and one Nominet member - also to be...
  4. Beasty

    Wales England

    The flag says it all! :D:D:D
  5. Beasty

    Sedo 2007 Business Report

    Some happy faces at Sedo I would think, based on these healthy figures and positive press coverage. Well done! :p http://www.newsobserver.com/1566/story/898136.html
  6. Beasty

    WiseInsurance.co.uk Appeal - Overturned - No Action

    http://www.nominet.org.uk/digitalAssets/27266_wiseinsurance_-_appeal.pdf Victory for the Registrant (Tagnames) on Appeal - overturning the original decision - which is very good news in my view. :D
  7. Beasty

    Maestro Appeal - No Action Upheld

  8. Beasty

    Moniker Sold to oversee.net

    I am not sure if this is the right place to start this thread, but here are some links anyway. The Techcrunch story says the price was $65 million. http://www.domainnews.com/general/2008012081/moniker-acquired-by-oversees/...
  9. Beasty

    Nominet Foundation Consultation - Closes Today!

    I've pinged in my response - set out below. The essence of it is that I think they should pay the money back to the people who have overpaid for the registration service. If they won't do that, then let those people decide who to give the money to - rather than setting up another tier of costs...
  10. Beasty

    maestro.co.uk - No Response yet Complaint Denied!

    If the Nominet Board needed another reason to pull back from the proposed Default Transfer idea - here is a well reasoned case where a big corporate's Complaint for a generic domain failed despite no Response being filed. Would the correspondence and evidence examined in this case have even...
  11. Beasty

    DRS Default Transfer Consultation Results

    In the spirit of providing the PAB, the Board and others with accurate figures following consultations - and to ensure that everyone can form an informed opinion - I have prepared a spreadsheet showing the results of the latest DRS Consultation on the Default Transfer proposal. More than...
  12. Beasty


    If the report is accurate, then this one looks shocking! http://blog.domaintools.com/2007/08/ravencom-the-case-of-a-stolen-domain/
  13. Beasty

    Harry Potter Eat Your Heart Out!

    It seems there is a dispute going on between a coven of wizards and witches on the one hand and a property developer on the other. The domains in dispute are highcrossquarter.com and co.uk - it seems both DRS and UDRP are already underway. The wiccans have the domains and say it is a...
  14. Beasty


    http://www.nominet.org.uk/digitalAssets/20263_faral.pdf I am afraid a pretty good example of how to lose a domain by post-registration behaviour.
  15. Beasty

    Coventry Ricoh Arena

    http://www.nominet.org.uk/digitalAssets/19887_coventryricoharena.pdf At first sight this decision seems unobjectionable. However I think that the Respondent - and The Expert - missed a trick regarding Rights. The Definition of Rights under the Policy states: a Complainant will be unable...
  16. Beasty

    A drop of bubbly anyone?

    This is an interesting decision. http://www.nominet.org.uk/digitalAssets/19724_champagne.pdf A glass or two of bubbly might be appropriate for the winner - though I'd not drink too much of it as it is probably a short price on an appeal being filed!
  17. Beasty

    Governance Consulation Closes TODAY!

    Governance Consultation Closes TODAY! The Governance Consultation closes today. It is VITAL that you respond if you have any interest in how Nominet is run in the future. There are fundamental changes being proposed - whcih if implemented that will never be reversed. Yes there will be an EGM...
  18. Beasty


    If there are any Nominet members not going to the AGM but who want an independent proxy to attend on their behalf - feel free to get in touch with me. If you are an individual, the proxy needs to be in by 10am on Monday (electronic post or fax). If you are a company, since you can not attend...
  19. Beasty

    Questions Regarding DRS for Board Candidates

    With the non-exec candiates touting for votes, here are a couple of DRS related questions for them. 1. DRS Tasting I placed an open invitation to Gordon Dick (and notified him by PM) some time ago (unfortunately unanswered as of yet) and to any/all of the non-execs on the board to comment...
  20. Beasty

    Nominet Board Election

    Anyone thinking of standing?
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