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  1. D

    Howdy All!!!

    Hi and welcome to AD Roo78. There's a wealth of info to be had here and a helpful bunch. Even though I mainly lurk! Dan:p
  2. D

    Wordpress for SEO

    I'll give it a go, if it causes me a problem I'll just go about it the long way (WP install on each Sub). I'll probably go sub-domain though, i.e.. cheap[dot]car[dot]tld, nice[dot]car[dot]tld, etc.... The way I see it is if a ban or penalty is imposed to the sub-domain, as long as it's orphaned...
  3. D

    Wordpress for SEO

    I'll definately agree there.. On a similar note and knowing/believing you've used it before, how simple is WordPress MU to set up in Cpanel? I'm thinking of embarking on a largish parasite/sub-domain build and can't use use WordPress[dot]com to host as I may put contextual ads on some of the...
  4. D

    Making a Domain earn £1 a week

    There are no no-follows or no-index tags on the search results at bbc so then we set another search in motion. Should be simple enough. Original content wins with me, now whether that's previous read and rewritten content that's another issue. But IMO 100% copied probably wouldn't last long...
  5. D

    Making a Domain earn £1 a week

    Looks like your on already, still waiting for mine to show. Great tip Paul but don't tell everyone all your tips;)
  6. D

    UK Website Directory

    I realised that after I asked that. Would be too cheap if that was the case and I'd never noticed the bl3 blog.
  7. D

    UK Website Directory

    Is it your whois blog that you're throwing in Ash?
  8. D


    Got it in .co.uk, a slight variation though, but still highly searched. Just spent 4 hours getting site up, wordpressed it in the end with a basic about page, as I was getting hacked off trying to get the layout etc... how I wanted it. Thrown in some adsense, and I'll work on the content over...
  9. D


    Once i've got it i'll probably park it for a while and get the content sorted out. I'll let people know what it is when it's up with content, might be a while. Then we can see how it does. It's really just an experiment as i'm quite new to this. The affiliates will only be there to hopefully...
  10. D


    You've lost me now. If you mean type in traffic, i realise .com & .co.uk would be the choices. I meant what restrictions would there be on .gb.com, .uk.com, .org.uk etc... I was more interested in the domain name as an seo standpoint, as i beleive it may carry some weight. This is really as...
  11. D


    If i could have a bit of advice please guys. I'm about to grab a highly searched keyword url and the extensions left are: .gb.com, .uk.com, .uk.net & .org.uk I'll play around with it and put it up a simple info site with affiliates. I'm Uk based but the keywords and info apply globally...
  12. D

    Hi There

    I feel like I'm doing that already, and I've only got 3
  13. D

    Hi There

    Just to say hello. I'm new to domain names etc... just hoping to learn off you guy's.
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