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  1. B

    PHP Problem

    Hi, Thanks alot. I have been looking on the internet and trying code for days. Thanks, again.
  2. B

    PHP Problem

    More problems! Hi, I have been trying to do this for ages now....here is the code I have got. $obj = json_decode($url); printf('%s (%d) %s %s %s', $obj->title, $obj->year, $obj->country, $obj->genres, $obj->rating); printf('<a href="%s"> %s'</a>, $obj->imdburl); I want to...
  3. B

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in

    Hi, Thanks that did show me what was is contained. It is correct so maybe it is something to do with Caching?
  4. B

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in

    Hello, I have this error now when I run my php code: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP5.3.0\www\New Folder\trial.php on line 39 Line 39 is: printf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s (%d) %s %s</a>', $obj->imdburl, $obj->title, $obj->title...
  5. B

    Time out when running script

    Thanks, I have just changed the input_time and it works but the url was playing up earlier to what I was extracting from and so I don't know what it was but, thanks for telling me about the bug with max_execution_time.
  6. B

    Time out when running script

    Hi, I have been working on some php coursework and I had it doing exactly what I wanted it to do for the moment. Then, I went to run the script like I had been and I get the error: Warning: file_get_contents(http://www.deanclatworthy.com/imdb/?q=mamma+mia) [function.file-get-contents]...
  7. B

    PHP Problem

    Hi, Thanks a lot. Here is the code that I am working with: $obj = json_decode($url); printf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s (%d) %s %s</a>', $obj->imdburl, $obj->title, $obj->title, $obj->year, $obj->country, $obj->genres); I presume that I will need the new Table ('data.json'...
  8. B

    PHP Problem

    Tables Hi, Does anyone know how to display the json output into a table? I have tried some methods but it does not work. Thanks alot everyone that has helped with the coding.
  9. B

    PHP Problem

    Thanks alot, I will try that now and then see what happens.
  10. B

    PHP Problem

    Query Hi, I just need to know exactly what this does: $obj = json_decode($url); printf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s (%d)</a>', $obj->imdburl, $obj->title, $obj->title, $obj->year); I know that it decodes the json into a php format. It does work which is great but if I want to add...
  11. B

    PHP Problem

    Works I have just fiddled around with the code and at the moment it creates a link when the movie is searched and when you press the link it redirects you to the imdb web page! I still need to add another api but at the moment it works. Thank you.
  12. B

    PHP Problem

    Here is another version of the code which I have been using and this does the same output as the one underneath it. <form action='trial.php' method='GET'> <input type="text" name="search_term"/> <input type="submit" value="Find"/> </form> <?php // the if statement if there is...
  13. B

    PHP Problem

    Hi, Thanks for the code. I have tried to implement it but it doesnt display what you said here is my code: <form action='trial.php' method='GET'> <input type="text" name="search_term"/> <input type="submit" value="Find"/> </form> <?php // the if statement if there is...
  14. B

    PHP Problem

    Hello Everyone, I am the girlfriend with the Php Problem. I have tried using the JSON, I think I need to elaborate on it as it isn't doing anything different at the moment. Thanks.
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