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Affiliate Website Development - Motivation

Good luck with it! I put my first affiliate site online in 5+ years a few months back and I was pleasantly surprised at how much organic traffic we've received with very little effort.

Ahh, nice one! Do you still periodically post to it? Has this given you the motivation to keep going with it?

I agree with martin-s, by far the most useful tool to me so far has been Search Console.

It's always good to get confirmations, so thanks for this. I'll make a note to spend more time getting to know my way around Search Console.
I'm also going to invest some time into implementing event tracking for Google Analytics, so I get a better understanding of user behaviour over a period of time.
Ahh, nice one! Do you still periodically post to it? Has this given you the motivation to keep going with it?

It's always good to get confirmations, so thanks for this. I'll make a note to spend more time getting to know my way around Search Console.
I'm also going to invest some time into implementing event tracking for Google Analytics, so I get a better understanding of user behaviour over a period of time.

It's a shopping deal site and the feeds pull in hourly - but we're adding a few thousand pages of quality content too. Fun stuff!

Sounds like a good idea. Search Console is pretty intuitive I find and the insights are super useful for sure. If nothing else, you can see where you're getting impressions but not clicks and work on increasing rankings/SEO for those terms.

Someone recommended an a/b testing agency for affiliates recently, so once we've reached a few thousand uniques/day, we're going to do some a/b testing. I'm interested to see what kind of revenue and profit lift we can see there using the same traffic as before.
I'm also going to invest some time into implementing event tracking for Google Analytics, so I get a better understanding of user behaviour over a period of time.

Another 2p: There's no point optimising user experience or conversion until you have traffic.
Another 2p: There's no point optimising user experience or conversion until you have traffic.

I think that's another valid point. Thanks, Martin.

From my point of view I can add the event tracking programmatically once, so it takes very little effort to implement and enable the monitoring of user behaviour as early as possible, helping highlight potential hidden UX issues.

Traffic numbers that qualify for optimisations are relative to the person/project, and how religious or obsessive the website owner is about analysing and scrutinising data.

But definitely something worth highlighting.
Over the weekend I had some DIY to do, so I didn't get as much time as I would have hoped to work on the affiliate empire... :rolleyes:

I did manage to achieve the following:
  1. I already have a domain that I think I will use as a programming, affiliate marketing, and SEO related website. This will be the home of guides, tutorials, and blog updates. Yes, I know there are plenty of websites like this out there already, but this one is mine.
  2. Although I have existing domains I want to build on I decided on a niche I don't have a suitable domain name for, so I looked for a FTR brandable that I liked and bought it.
  3. I set up Wordpress on the 2 domains ready to start populating.
  4. The info/guides based website will probably receive the most amount of work initially, as it will be used to help me customise and define the layout/structure of blocks within articles.
  5. This theme will then also be used for affiliate based sites.
I've been having some conversations in the background with other Acorn members who are interested in the progress, and the potential for a small group of like-minded people who are willing to meet up (virtually) on a semi-regular basis for an element of accountability, but also to help keep that motivation and drive for success when times get tough, bouncing ideas off each other, or maybe even just to keep you sane in these strange times!

If this is something that interests you let me know and I will send you an invite.
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Great thread. I too have been wondering about making a couple of long term projects alongside some quicker ones. I have set myself a target to get a site built by the end of the month, I have the figures all set out, design of the site etc but I just need pushing along. I will reward myself with a treat on completion. Sounds silly but it works.

Would love to speak with others about it.

I realised that I actually like the building, designing, publishing, promoting more than the running of it.
This is still in motion, it's just slow going.

I'm still developing the theme to support my requirements on https://blog.domainsaleshistory.uk, which in turn requires work on the main app.

This means the affiliate stuff has had to be bumped down the priority order for now. Once I am in a happy place I will be back with an update!
After 20-years of domaining and paying out more in renewals than making money from sales. For a few years I've wanted to develop out a couple of my domains. Problem is while I know my way round wordpress the whole coding and promoting side of things is above my paygrade. - I've decided I'd like to run with https://ecomates.co.uk and https://economise.co.uk given the market for green gadgets, environmental home products and alternative energy. Do you think I might partner with someone on Acorn and if so what do you think I should do next?

I wish you well with what youre trying to achieve, it sounds like you know what youre doing.

All the best,
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I thought I'd update this, as it's been a while!

In March 2022, I started taking a slightly different approach. I hooked up with a fellow acorner/twitter buddy, and we have been having accountability video chats every two weeks.

I started two new projects in March 2022.
  1. The first website I have prior knowledge/experience in is an informational display-ad website.
  2. The other project is where I have spent the bulk of my time, and I have been able to front-load the website with over 300 posts in the first three months. This website will be monetised by display ads and affiliate sales.
Both projects are doing well (so far). The first website has already paid for itself and some. The second has no form of monetisation applied to it yet, as I want it to marinade for maybe 10-12 months before I start to add monetisation.

I've also started a third project, a set-and-forget type website reliant on external data feeds and programmatic content, which will generate a few thousand pages of content dynamically. It's still in development but well underway, and I nearly have a working prototype in place. This will be another project monetised by display-ad revenue.

Has anybody else managed to stay motivated and been able to monetise any of their many domains since I first posted?
Ive been out of the domain niche for a while now but, am a partner in a large affiliate agency with 100+ clients. Happy to offer tips and advice and if you are writing content, i have a tool that will auto-link every keyword, check that link daily, update if required, and always selects the best-paying advertisers.

I was a helpful member of this forum many years ago, and i am back to assist with anything affiliate related. shoot me a message
I have just launched a niche info site.

Chose a subject i am interested in so hopefully this will help.
Just had logo designed, set up wordpress, plugins etc.

Now onto the keyword reasearch phase, cant wait to get some good content on there.

Going for low competition keywords to start.

Will update in here once its going.
[QUOTE="Now onto the keyword reasearch phase, cant wait to get some good content on there.

I am looking for beta testers for new software. It turns all your content into affiliate links. Updates daily and always uses the highest paid commissions to the highest paying advertiser on any net and there are no costs. Let me know if this is of interest
[QUOTE="Now onto the keyword reasearch phase, cant wait to get some good content on there.

I am looking for beta testers for new software. It turns all your content into affiliate links. Updates daily and always uses the highest paid commissions to the highest paying advertiser on any net and there are no costs. Let me know if this is of interest[/QUOTE]

Welcome back, Phil. Glad you are doing well.

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