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aravato finance with 1and1

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The Reg Aggreement they follow but the Good Practice Guidelines they take em and leave em as they see fit and nominet do jack about it as they are guidelines not rules.

123-Reg have nailed MULTIPLE of the Good Practice and fed me a heap of bull about how they don't have to follow or do anything.

They also don't like being told their system is a heap of crap and like it even less when you send them documented proof :p

Complaints has information regarding complaint against Nominet members / registrars .

It is worth seeing the Good Practice Terms, Good Practice Terms as all registrars ought to abide by them.
Hi Steve - just popped you an email :)
Hey Rob, I'll send you some notes as I'm in the process of putting my complaint in writing to both 123-reg and nominet as requested, so still waiting on bank statements, working out a way to document clearly how messed up their system is, so they can't fix it and claim it never happened and a few other things. So lots I'm still getting together, but I'll send you some bits after work tomorrow :)

I'm thinking an email to .Net magazine's watchdog would be a better idea and get a whole heap more action if they published it in their mag heh.
Received another letter from 1 and 1 stating they are cancelling my hosting/domain account in regards to the below domains (which there are none below).

I cancelled the hosting when I transfered away the domain years ago and still they try and scam money out of me.

They can go to hell.
I am still having problems with them too.

I have cut and paste the email below that keeps going back and forth.A complete bunch of muppets that are really starting to p*** ME OFF!!

The response to my email is crap. I asked them what this money I owe them is for and they still have not answered me,because they cant.They will have to take it all the way,they won't get a penny out of me.
Anyway my last email to them is below,with the response under that. :mad:


After filling a complaint with you and having a unsatisfactory response I am
writing to you again.

As I stated in my last complaint to you,I have no dealings with your company

anymore.I cancelled my account on the 5th June 2008. I have a letter infront

of me from Arvato Finance acting on your behalf,stating I owe you £43.06.

I am about to ring them again and will get a hold put on the account as I am

in dispute with you.

I had a years hosting with you,which I paid for upfront and I did not want

to renew for a second year,which is why I cancelled the account.

I want this matter dropped immediately,or I will start a legal counter claim

against 1 and 1.

Today I will be filling a complaint against 1 and 1 with Nominet and with

Trading Standards.

I await your response stating that this matter is dropped.



Dear Dominique, (Customer ID: ********)

Thank you for contacting us.

I know my previous response might not have been the response that you
were looking for. However, this is the response we need to give. This
is a situation where the account was left delinquent fort some time and
that caused our automated system to pass this account to collections.
Should you pay collections within 30 days, they will take you off of any
list that they have. Despite these actions not grasping your attention,
these were honest efforts to contact you. As an internet company, email
is our preferred use of contact. Furthermore, when the account is
further delinquent, we suspend the service. We have give ample time and
notice for this account. There is nothing we can do at this point. I
am sorry.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


Michael Quinn
Technical Support
1&1 Internet
Cheeky sods, so they are saying because there systems didnt pick up your cancellation it then infomed a debt recovery compant to act and because charges have been added they now expect you to pay the fee's.

Do what I've done and told them to pi$$ off and go and die somewhere.

I now have this response from them. I need to somehow find out if they have actually sold the debt to Arvato.Does anyone know how to do that?
As you will see,they still have not answered my questions.

The first bit is from me following my previous post and then their response.

Thank you for your response,however you still have not answered my complaint.I want to know why you are seeking a payment from me,when I paid the 12 months hosting upfront and after that chose not to renew with you and cancelled the account. Answer that. That would be a start.
It seems there are alot of people who are very unhappy with 1 and 1 from various forums that I have read and I can see why. I asked a simple question,this is the forth time I have asked and now I want an answer,along with proof that I owe you money which I refute.



Dear Dominique (Customer ID:)

Thank you for contacting us.
Arvato is seeking payment from you, as you have an outstanding balance
with them. There is nothing we can at this point. Again, we can no
longer do anything as it concerns this situation. You must settle with Arvato
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Michael Quinn
Technical Support
1&1 Internet

Bunch of Wan*ers!
I'd take proof of your renewel date and date you cancelled, along with the emails to your local law centre (or CAB) and let them handle it.

One thing I have noticed is that these companies are the big I AM until they are dealing with someone who knows the law and especially when dealing with Solicitors, they soon f00k off back into their pitt then.

Its worth noting that 1and1 fux0red me with a 'notice' period, they told me I had to cancel X many days before the renewel date, which I missed in 2005, then in 2007 they billed me again despite me cancelling about 2 days before the 2005 renwel, so a month before the 2009 renewel I'm going to check its cancelled but thus far since 2003 I have been unable to cancel 1 domain I have with them. I cancelled this time about 4 days AFTER the renewel in 2007 so hopefully over 700 days notice is enough :p
My take on this:

1&1's offering credit - is not licenced to do so - you can't check your balance - is not running credit checks - is not providing credit agreements - is not following up on chasing bad debt cause I think they know they'll be in the shit - I know of one person who has ran up a bill of well over £3k in a couple of months with 1&1 without knowing it - and therefore is also breaking ICANN rules (you're not supposed to able to buy a .com on credit acording to ICANN rules and blocking access to domains already paid for is also against the rules), as well as the Nominet Registrar Agreement (blocking access to domains already paid for by not acting 'fairly' to Registrants and allowing Registrants to move .uk domains already paid for - i.e. you have to use Nominet rather than 1&1 to do it).

It's the credit bit that worries me and knowing that Nominet read these forums and that I shall be making them aware of this situation (and I invite others to join me), I would expect Nominet to suspend 1&1's account!

Lets see what happens...


Yes - I was going to bring this up also... They don't bill you straight away, rather they acrue for some period of time and then charge you later... So you don't always know what the 'bill' will be...

I believe this could be in contravention of some UK laws.... In which case...
On another note, it might be worth pursuing action through the EU legal mechanisms... Because the UK is an EU member state and therefore subject to the EU laws also... As it is clear 1&1 operates across Europe, then there might be more luck held by contacting the relevant EU bodies/organizations...

Consumer Affairs
(eg: EUROPA - Consumer Affairs - Information for consumers - Interested in your rights as a consumer? - Unfair commercial practices
EUROPA - Consumer Affairs - Rights - E-shopping)
I got the demand too

Seems like we're all in the same boat. I got the demand too even though I cancelled my contract on the day it tried to renew (this was the first I knew anything about it auto-renewing). I couldn't even pay on 1and1 website because I cancelled my contract even though they told me this was the only way to do it!

1and1 are a complete bunch of idiots. They lie cheat and scam the customer and thats the only reason they are still in business. We should try and mount some sort of campaign to have them shut down so people don't have to go through this same misery!

Here's the e-mail I just sent them:

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Peter ----- <---->
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2008 12:44:56 AM
Subject: RE: ---- Re: Invoice

Please disregard my previous e-mail. I am back in the US now and my brother has alerted me to the fact that I have received a letter from your debt collection agency. Let me start by saying a big THANK YOU for doing this.

I will continue by saying that I have never dealt with a company so inept in dealing with its customers. You successfully pulled one over on me with your ridiculous policy of renewal. I distinctly do not remember checking an option to have my domain auto renewed. This means that unlike the many reasonable domain name companies out there that do it this way, you snuck in some clause into the fine print. Just when I thought even the low life scum of credit card companies were starting to do away with this, your company proves that there are still new lows to hit in being transparent with policies and getting one over on your customers.

After talking to your customer service last week, I was given the impression that your company did actually care about my business and satisfaction. However this has since proven to be false. Your billing agent told me that my bill HAD NOT been passed to collections and that I had to e-mail your department to proceed further. She also told me that to pay the bill would need to be done online. However, I could not as my account had been cancelled and "did not exist in your system" (according to your own website). Now, either she was lying or the case was subsequently passed to collections which would show yet another mark of the lengths you go to please and work with your customers. Either way it stinks.

Why could you not have provided me with a final balance due when I cancelled my account on May 26th? If I cancel my mobile phone or other utility, I am provided a final bill which is to be paid. Instead I received NOTHING after I cancelled my service until your demand for payment by mail in July, completely inconvenient for me and inconsistent with your usual method of e-mail.

Congratulations on having a company with fractured customer service where one hand fails to communicate with the other, and seems to have the supreme goal of getting one over on the customer.

Please be assured that I will make my views known of your horrible company with its horrible customer service at every available opportunity. Just as you have gone out of your way to make my life difficult I will do the same for your company. I will ensure that all customer review sites and Trading Standards find out the way you operate and my experience.

On a brighter note (for us both perhaps), is that I may now be able to actually pay my bill. Unlike your ridiculous billing system which does not allow me to pay because I cancelled my account, your debt collectors seem to allow various methods of payment. Hopefully then I can stop wasting time and get this dealt with.

Thanks so much again and I look forward to never having anything at all to do with your company. I feel very sorry for your customers who do not know what is ahead for them. Do the world a favour and start looking at how to make your business customer oriented rather than trying to do them over.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Peter ---- <---->
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:20:09 PM
Subject: Re: ----- Re: Invoice

Ok, fair enough. Although I do not like your policy in the slightest, to make this problem go away, I am willing to pay the 7.90 due. Now you need to provide me a way to do so. Because I have cancelled my account it will not allow me to login to do so.

Please advise me how I can now pay this account. If I need to call a department, please provide the phone number.


Peter -----

----- Original Message ----
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:12:15 PM
Subject: ----- Re: Invoice

Dear Peter -----, (Customer ID: -----)

Thank you for contacting us.

We do not provide email notification for when domains are about to
renew. It would be your responsibility to monitor and maintain your
domain's renewal dates. This is all outlined within the terms and
conditions that you had agreed to upon signing up.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Michael -----
Technical Support
1&1 Internet

> Hi
> I am e-mailing you as directed by your member of staff in the billing
department, Nayomi Pirisyalage, because I was sent a letter and bill for
£7.90 for the renewal of a domain name. The letter also remarked that my
case had been passed to collections and the additional sum of £15 would
be due, however your colleague told me that this had not been done.
> I previously cancelled the renewal on the 26th May 2008 when I
received the invoice via e-mail. This was the first e-mail I had
received concerning the renewal. As this was only a temporary website, I
did not want to renew and had not given my consent for this to happen.
> There has been a delay in me responding to the letter because I am
living out of the country and the letter was sent to my parents address
and I only received this last week when I visited. I do not understand
why this was not sent via e-mail as the invoice was. Had this have been
done I would have responded much sooner.
> Please advise how we can proceed with this. I am not prepared to pay
for services which I have not and will not use and cancelled the same
day as I received your invoice.
> If you wish to contact me, please do so via e-mail to this address
or via phone at ----. Please, please do not send any
written letters to my home address.
> Best regards,
> Peter
Last edited:
Just had a call from Nominet - they are checking websites etc to ensure that they are complying with the 'good practice' agreement.

Hopefully this means they will be doing bigger clients such as 1&1 :)
Hi again,

OK, this morning I now have a letter from a company called Smiths - Law,based in London.
It states that 1& 1 are their client and that they have been instructed to assist in the recovery of this so called "debt" of mine. It then goes on to say that full payment must be recieved by Arvato Finance within 15 days, otherwise their client will consider County Court action. It then just says that if that happens, that there will be further costs incurred and give me a total, plus I might get a ccj.
It states that I must NOT contact them, I must only contact Arvato.

Now, I am really confused!! I thought from previous letters that Arvato were chasing me for the "debt " but now it seems to be Smiths. Do any of you guys understand this?
Is Arvato working for 1 & 1 or are Smiths? Smiths state in this letter that their client is 1 & 1. So who are Arvato? Why would Smiths not want the payment?
It just gets more bizzare.
My last dealings with this were 2 weeks ago,when I phoned Arvato,told them I was in disput with 1 & 1, so they put a hold on the account for 2 weeks. Now that time has passed,they are chasing me again.
In that 2 week period, I wrote to 1 & 1 again and told them to tell me exactly what this "debt" is for and to prove it. I heard nothing.
I think I now need to establish,who owns the "debt" If Smiths don't,by Law they need to leave me alone and if Arvato don't, then so do they.
Look forward to your coments.:twisted:
You mentioned you had filled a complaint against 1 and 1 with Nominet - how did that get on?

1 and 1 internet and Arvarto finance and Smiths.

i am also getting leter from these people sayinh i owe £130.00 for an outstanding payment plus costs

i cancelled my account back in october 2007.

help !! what can i do

OK, this is where I am with it. I have not heard from them since 18th August. I wrote to them just after that saying that I want proof of some kind that the debt had been sold to Smiths and I wanted proof that I ticked,signed,whatever a contract with them that tied me in for more than one year.

I have not heard from them since. So,fingers crossed. I told them that I would counter claim and charge them for my time,if they continued to waste it. I want proof of the alleged debt and want to know what its for and suprise,suprise, Nada!!!
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