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Completely free parking with customizeable page

Mar 3, 2012
Reaction score
I'm just putting the finishing touches to a completely free parking system which allows you to create custom pages, receive verified contact, view stats, choose layouts etc.
You can see an example parked page at http://anita.uk and http://quickplay.uk
All pages can be customised immediately with a selection of images, 3 layouts (responsive), and all email has to be verified and is spam free.
It costs NOTHING. No hidden charges. No monthly fees. No subscription. No pay per listing. Nada. Zilch. Squat. I was running a similar system on dnmanager.com and people received a combined £100k of offers in the time it was up.
There is nothing to stop you having a pretty landing page with direct contact and still listing your domain at sad old marketplaces with 10 year old page layouts elsewhere. You can also set a minimum offer to cut out tyre-kickers.
The core is working - now I will just be adding more stuff for stats, quality of life, links to other domains, market etc so if anyone has any ideas or features let me know.

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Suggestion (if you haven't already done it): can this use the same nameservers as UKBO and include a check to determine whether to show the holding page or the auction page (depending on whether an auction is active for that domain)? That removes the need to log into Nominet to make an auction live.
No. It is completely separate to ukbackorder and will be running standalone regardless of anything else I do in the domain world.

Domains at ukbackorder point at the auction site so that people find the auction. You don't need to login to nominet to change nameservers though... you have hosted chasing. There is a modify nameserver option there ;)

Think of this as nothing at all to do with droplists, hosted chasing, backorder etc. It is simply a landing service, like many others, but free (and we know how much domainers like free) lol
Would it be possible to be able to add our own images as a background?
Yes that's coming in the next few days when I've written the upload code. To be honest I had it before at dnmanager and parking before that and not a single person used it but I'm going to add it in again for nobody to use it :p
Added stats - only REAL visitors are tracked. No search engines, bots, spammers, etc so the figures are not over inflated. You can also get a breakdown of each visitor by clicking on the stat date.
Can we have a public portfolio view, so we can point potential buyers at a list of all domains for sale?
Yes that's in my todo list - a tab on the page labelled 'more domains' (optional) which will take visitors to a portfolio list. Obviously you'll be able to link it and also set which domains show up in that list.
Also following that will be a searchable public marketplace. I need a few more domains for that though - at the moment there's only about 1200 parked.
By extension, especially with a public marketplace, it would be nice if we could add domains without pointing them. That way, developed domains could also be included in the portfolio.
No because I cannot then vouch for people maintaining valid/current sites. This is a parking system mainly more than a marketplace. At least this way it can check once per day and stop showing any domains that aren't parked as well as notifying the person who parked it. Of course you are free to put whatever you want in your text fields I just can't have domains added to the system that aren't parked there - or expect the database full of dead links or other people's sites.... I may implement some kind of verification system for other domains but that is not a priority.
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Fair enough - does it require the nameservers to be changed, or can it be done by checking the A record? That way, MX records etc are left alone.
This looks excellent, thanks for sharing.
Looks like a good setup, maybe add a opaque background to the footer so you can see the "parking by" in the footer as depending on the background image you can't actually see the text.
Nope. Just satisfaction :) I already have the servers and several other things going on. Who knows - maybe it'll grow and people will stop paying for parking services. The more on it, the more choice there is in the future to grow it into more exposure for the domains parked on it. Hopefully one in the eye for sedo as well as people can still list on their marketplace but have much nicer landing pages and direct contact ;)
Have started to transfer mine over, it is a nice clean easy to use interface.

As already mentioned it would be good to have the option to add your own images.

It would also be nice to have the option of parking a domain that is not for sale with the ability of adding 'coming soon' or 'currently under development'.

Thanks again for all your efforts and for sharing.
The image upload is coming but I've been sidetracked a bit. There are about 15,000 domains on it now and I've been concentrating on some optimisations. I have no plans to make it anything other than it is. A place to park domains for sale - it is not intended to act as free page hosting. The next thing is a marketplace to search those domains and then an immediate payment paypal button. The stats need improving to allow for further back logging and choice of robots allowed or not. At least at the moment it catches all traffic to missing pages, subdomains, and then checks each visitor to see if they are legit or automated/spam. So you can be pretty sure the results are 'real'. Unfortunately this means the figures aren't as high as at other places where they are happy to count 20 different google IPs as 20 'uniques' :p

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