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iSpeakers.co.uk - Any thoughts ?

Discussion in 'Domain Appraisals' started by stevef1fan, May 6, 2009.

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  1. stevef1fan United Kingdom

    stevef1fan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2009
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    Hi Everyone,

    Last one for a while..


    Speakers - Exact UK match for April 201,000

    101 million broad match google (with a few political ones in there I'm sure !)

    I'm pretty sure there is no trademark infringement here.

    I don't even think a certain brand of mp3 player offer their own speakers. I may be wrong on this though - and about to be made to look very foolish !

    iSpeakers.com is for sale for $7220 - but aren't they all !!

    Any thoughts ? Good or Dud ??


    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  2. accelerator United Kingdom

    accelerator Well-Known Member

    Apr 2005
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    I could see someone wanting it at some point, so worth regging.

  3. stevef1fan United Kingdom

    stevef1fan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2009
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    Thanks for all the appraisals Chris.

    The info on Scheme has been very interesting from everyone too.

    I've learnt that with an example such as this it needs to be more than simply a descriptive term, it needs to have a commercial angle of some kind - Otherwise, you may just as well reg baleofstraw.org.uk.

    I'll probably see that one on DNJournal going for a coupla grand now !


  4. joned United Kingdom

    joned Active Member

    Oct 2008
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    Hi Steve

    Why not broaden the appeal and make it about computer speakers and linking up decent speakers - sort of heading into the home theatre market now that more people are downloading films and TV programs onto their PCs and will want to hook them up to their big-screen TVs and surround sound system

    There are tons of products on Amazon for that kind of thing and you could slap together a site on Whypark or Domainpress or somewhere like that pretty quickly.

    I just created a site on Whypark about linking PCs and HDTV and all that convergence malarkey, drop me a PM if you want a look and some help

    Cheers, Jon
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  5. stevef1fan United Kingdom

    stevef1fan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2009
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    Hi Jon,

    It's great thinking re. iSpeakers. I'll certainly look to do something along those lines. I have my own home cinema and the speakers on it are just awesome - they make the whole experience ! Watching the start bit of Saving Private Ryan with the bullets whizzing by your head is something else !

    I think your idea would make a great site.

    Yes, I'd love to know more about Whypark. Could you perhaps post a link to the site you've built ?

    What's Domainpress like ?

    I build sites on dreamweaver but I'd be interested in looking at something which would allow me to knock affiliate sites together a bit more easily. Especially something where I can add my own content and affiliate links.

    Incidently Jon, I also have speakers.me.uk along with about 100 big keyword .me.uk's which I'm developing. It seems they do rank easily. I'm also going to develop one of those .me hotels, Tokyo I think, just to see how it ranks.

    Have you had much success with the amazon affiliate program by the way ?


  6. joned United Kingdom

    joned Active Member

    Oct 2008
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    Hi Steve

    I joined Domainpress but never got round to using it :) It's basically Wordpress all setup for you, with their ad feeds integrated. I think it's probably a great middle-ground between an auto-site system (like WhyPark) and a full hand-made developed site

    I'm using WhyPark a lot last few weeks. At the moment, I see it as a kinda "proving ground" for all the domain names I've been buying last few months. I can get a site up in 5 minutes (or a bit longer if I want to add custom content) and then see how they all do. The ones that show promise (more traffic, more paying clicks) I can then devote more time to.

    The one I mentioned is PC TV meets HD TV. It's probably taken me about an hour in total to get it up, find the Amazon widgets and Youtube videos and customise the homepage and layout (you need the paid version of WP to customise the layout, but you can add your own content in the free version). Notice "itv" (interactive TV) is one of the Related Searches that their system selected, which is what sprang to mind with your iSpeakers.

    One I've spent more time on (mostly researching the videos and affiliate programs, rather than actual coding) is Domain Names. If you decide to try Whypark, you could do me a favour and click the "Develop your Domain Names" link at the top right of that site, and I'll get a little affiliate commission :)

    One that's straight out-of-the-box, 5 minutes, no tweaking is Credit Card Applications (my first me.uk, I hope they do well, like you say!)

    If you decide to try it, go for the free version first and see what it can do - and give me a shout and I'll show you some useful resources

    And let me know how you get on with the hotel .me, we can swap ideas and perhaps links?

    Phew that was a long one :)

    Cheers, Jon
  7. stevef1fan United Kingdom

    stevef1fan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2009
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    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for all the info. Domainpress looks interesting.

    Re. Sites, very impressive for the time put in. Nice clean looking layout. I'll certainly be looking into this more.

    I better get on and start developing iSpeakers. I can see real potential in it now.

    I have a friend who is a professional writer and he's giving me shed loads of original content, so I just need to crack on with the developing !

    Are you trying to get ranked for the term 'credit card applications' with your .me.uk site or are you going pay per click ? Nice looking little site.

    I'm trying to work purely with seo. Just not too sure about ppc.

    Incidently, I submitted a .me.uk to yahoo and it appeared immediately on page 1 uk search (out of 225,000 results) and top of page 2 for world search for that term - and the thing had hardly any original content on it ! They definitely rank, I think the question is wether they convert into sales as I worry they may be synonymous with cheap looking personal webpages. I reckon it can be done though, because with big keywords who cares about returning traffic - new traffic will be more than enough. Also, if the site looks decent I'm not sure too many people worry about the extension.

    The google adwords tool seems to be all over the place ! A few weeks ago it showed 'Tokyo Hotels' at 90,000 + exact UK matches. Now it's saying 8,100. That looks on the low side, given the amount of paid adverts and the prominence of the city.


  8. joned United Kingdom

    joned Active Member

    Oct 2008
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    Hi Steve

    Can you introduce me to your writer friend, I could do with a friend like that! ;)

    Depends what you're planning and how much time you have, but I'd think if you're seriously developing iSpeakers you might want to look into affiliate programs rather than Amazon. Amazon's great if you want something quick, but I've heard that affiliate programs pay better on high-ticket items (like speakers, home theatre, etc). Check out the Affiliates4U forum. Like Acorn, it's a Uk forum full of experienced people who are kind enough to share their experience and expertise. I've started joining some Aff networks and some have very nice widgets and things like comparison shopping functionality that you can add to your site.

    IIRC Domainpress lets you export your Wordpress database if you decide to leave them, so you've got nothing to lose. However, I had another look at their site today and the "latest updated" blogs and posts they feature on their homepage look a bit... how can I put this politely.... well, they have a similar consistency to a certain brand of tinned meat! (Not the design/layout but the content). I'd be a bit wary that they could get marked as a "bad neighbourhood" in the future, so keep an eye on it (shame, really, as it's such a great idea)

    At the moment I'm looking for affiliate programs for the credit cards site. I think they'll pay better than just the ads. Probably put some unique content on it too, before submitting it to the search engines. I read on one forum (was it this one), that someone Googled for Facebook free advertising vouchers and found a few - that might be worth a try? An SEO buddy tells me FB advertising can be very effective if you're aiming at a market they cover

    Yea, the extension debate rages across many forums! I reckon it's becoming less of an issue as people get used to all the new extensions. (plus a lot of users don't know or care what extension they're clicking on - I know that's heresy to say on a domainers forum :) ) If you're buying the domain as an investment then the extension makes a big difference. If you're buying it to develop a minisite, then the keywords become more of a factor IMHO

    Yea the Adwords tool is driving me potty! I spend a couple of hours using it most days. TBH 8,100 sounds more likely for Tokyo hotels, but that's just my guess :)

    Let me know how you get on, whichever option you choose

    Cheers, Jon
  9. Systreg

    Systreg Well-Known Member

    Oct 2008
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    How can you make a site with that many pages and content/links for each in 5 minutes :confused:

    I read a post on this forum ages ago where someone said they could make a site with thousands of pages within about 15 minutes, I don't understand this at all, how is it possible to make loads of pages full of content and links in a matter of a few minutes?

    I'm trying to get a site together for one of my bike domains, I've spent the last couple of nights messing around with it on notepad trying to make the home page, that's still not even 40% finished and it looks rubbish.

    Then if I have to get 1000 products on the site from Affiliate Window, that means making 1000 pages for those products with a different product/content on each, this is causing me nightmares, because I will have to deep link to each product one at a time, I'm going off the idea already and my Affiliate Window retailers have not even been activated yet.
  10. joned United Kingdom

    joned Active Member

    Oct 2008
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    Hi Systreg

    That's the big advantage with WhyPark. At the moment, they're the only one of the minsite/auto-site providers who supply you with automatic content - they have a huge database of the stuff. Some of it is stuff you'll see elsewhere (syndicated articles, press releases) but they're getting more articles written just for them. The advantage to the article-writers is that they can include a link or two in the article to their own sites.

    In the WhyPark control panel you type in some keywords when you setup the site, select a layout, and it autogenerates it all for you. You can then tweak the keywords till you get the right sort of articles.

    Note that the articles may not be unique - if 50 people have put up credit card application sites using the exact same keywords as me, they'll probably all have the same mix of articles. But you can then add your own custom content (like I've done on the poker and domain-name sites in my sig) which will make it much more acceptable for the SE's.

    I just signed up with Affiliate Window today, haven't got approval yet, but don't they have some content-widgets you could use? "Shop Window" I think it's called?

    Cheers, Jon
  11. Systreg

    Systreg Well-Known Member

    Oct 2008
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    Cheers Joned, didn't realise it was WhyPark, don't think that's suitable for what I need for use with AW, in any case, I would never use Whypark on the principle that they wanted $95 just to park with them, what a rip off, yeah, I know it's free now, but still, wouldn't use them.

    Yeah, I had a look at the AW widgets yeaterday, looked like a load of rubbish to me from what I saw, maybe I didn't look in to it properly. I thought there was supposed to be something on Shop Window where you could pick all your products and it would make a page for you, something like that anyway, can't remember now, or was that the widgets I was thinking of, but they only show up to 10 or 12 products in a widget.
  12. joned United Kingdom

    joned Active Member

    Oct 2008
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    Fair enough

    In that case, I'd seriously suggest going for Wordpress (give me a shout if you need a hand setting it up). Once you've picked a nice template and got it setup, you can just focus on the content and all the other stuff will be done for you.

    Might also be worth searching on A4U (or asking a question) I think there's quite a few Wordpress plugins now that work with UK affiliate product feeds. "Easy Content Units" is one that springs to mind, I remember it getting good reviews (also works without Wordpress, as an iframe, I think)


    Cheers, Jon
  13. virtualwords

    virtualwords Active Member

    Dec 2008
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    Hi Systreg

    Yes the maximum amount of products on a widget is 12 with the search box in the top right hand corner. You can choose custom widgets or create your own and then fill them with your chosen products to suit your categories.

    I have been creating a site since October ( shoppingqueen.co.uk ) in my spare time. Each page has had to be built individually as I do not know any coding or php ect.

    I joined affiliate window back then and have been adding the widgets in the approaite shopping pages and the banners and vouchers discount on the others. The widgets look fine if you create them in the approaite colours for your site. They seem to look ok on mine anyway.

    I know how you must feel about all the work and deeplinks ect as my site is now just short of 800 individual pages and the time and effort it has taken is unbelieveble. I have even had to stand back from it for 2 weeks and start again as it has been driving me mad.

    I cannot wait to launch it, although to a web designer it will be ordinary, for me it is something I will be very proud off and I just hope that all my hard work and effort will be rewarded.

    I have been accepted by just over 500 of the affiliates I applied for and rejected by around 60. It does help that the site I am building is shopping directory, voucher codes and lets go shopping all in one so it suits many retailers.

    I wish you all the best

  14. Systreg

    Systreg Well-Known Member

    Oct 2008
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    @ Joned, I couldn't use Wordpress, don't understand all that techy stuff or about plugins, plus I don't like the look of that Wordpress stuff, it all looks the same to me with people sharing the same templates over and over, all I know is a bit of basic html on notepad, so I'll give that a miss, thanks for the help offer anyway.

    That long :shock:, I honestly don't think I would have the patience for that, in fact, I know I wouldn't, I have very little patience and lose interest quickly if something is getting on my tits, maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew trying to make a biggish affiliate based site, I couldn't imagine working on something for 7 months and still not have finished it, look forward to seeing what you've made.
  15. stevef1fan United Kingdom

    stevef1fan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2009
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    Hi Systreg,

    Using Dreamweaver with a little knowledge of CSS you can build webpages and because most of the pages have a similar structure you simply create template pages. Then, to add afffiliate links, simply use the affiliate window deeplink builder and copy and paste the code into the pages.

    With a little knowledge of dreamweaver you can create include files so you don't have to keep repeating universal elements of your site, such as the navigation bar, footer etc. Simply insert the include file. If you want to change a universal element, such as the footer, simply change the include file and it will automatically update all the pages.

    I have some great tutorials I could send if your interested. They do require a bit of patience and there's quite a bit of learning to do, but I think it could be worth it.

    I know the theory, I just have to get putting it into practice !

    I have one I started to put together at dietingworld.co.uk and epilator.me.uk.

    I need to practice a bit more !



    Ps. As you can see I'm not a web designer ! I think, however, on a limited budget, it's worth taking the time to eventually become one. Even if it takes a couple of years. There are alot of free resources out there, I just think it's a long-term thing. Most people give up.
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  16. stevef1fan United Kingdom

    stevef1fan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2009
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    Sorry Jon,

    Just read your posts. Yes, an alternative to Dreamweaver is Wordpress. Nice and easy and the search engines love them.

    Will keep you posted on the hotels.


  17. joned United Kingdom

    joned Active Member

    Oct 2008
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    Steve, you're doing OK with Dreamweaver by the look of those sites, give yourself a pat on the back :)

    There's some tweaks you could make to improve SEO, but get them more developed first

    (...and let me know what you do with iSpeakers, I'm intrigued!)

    Cheers, Jon
  18. stevef1fan United Kingdom

    stevef1fan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2009
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    Thanks Jon.

    I'll just keep learning, until one day they look a little more stylish and a little less scammy ! There's so much to learn - but it's enjoyable along the way.

    English instead of latin content would be a good start !!

    My aim now is to rank number 1 for "hairdryer" and "hair dryer" ! I have hairdryer.me.uk and my friend has written 15 articles on the darn things !! I'm going to build a comparison table and ram it full of content, then see just how well it ranks.

    When it's done it would be great if you could look it over for me and see where I can improve from an SEO perspective. I'm aware of the need for keyword density, text sizes, links, image tags etc., so I'll give it my best shot and then give you a shout in a couple of weeks if that's ok.

    Now, I must get on that phone and vote for england !! Oh, they haven't started singing yet (I hate that bit) - C'mon England !!


  19. joned United Kingdom

    joned Active Member

    Oct 2008
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    Steve - sure just give me a shout. Good that you're aiming high! ;)

    Systreg - I know what you mean about Wordpress sites, but just to show you they don't all have to look the same, here's one I'm developing at the moment for a client - ultimatesalonwebsite.com/valentinoceciel.co.uk/ - (I'm not linking it, as I don't want Google to spider it while it's on our dev server.)

    Cheers, Jon
  20. stevef1fan United Kingdom

    stevef1fan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2009
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    Cheers Jon, really appreciate that.

    Just want to get it right with the smaller terms then simply replicate it for the bigger ones (computer monitors, laptop bags, baby clothes, exercise bike, dining tables, HDTVs, iSpeakers etc. etc.)

    Will message you in a couple of weeks.

    Thanks again,

    Last edited: May 16, 2009
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