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Jun 24, 2010
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Hi, we are nearly finished with a new design on Pregnancy.co.uk (still got to add more images etc), any feedback (good or bad) or suggestions to make the site better would be great. If you find anything that is 'broken' then please let me know. If you like the site then a 'like' would be nice :)

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First impression is a nice job, good content.

imho the italic strapline text under the logo is bit to small to read and should stop at the end of the .co.uk. ..also the actual strapline is a bit clunky maybe.. but this is hypercritical.

good job.
Yeah agree with Julian, strap line is too long & small, something like 'taking you full term' would be better.

I'm not sure I would have put the Q&A on a sub-domain but presume you have a reason for it, overall very calm nicely designed site, no obvious bugs or problems from the quick look through I had.

In a lot of the articles nothing was showing for related articles
Don't think there were any external links at all either.

This article has no related links.
This article has no external links.
So may need looking at.
yes just the top for me also, i would make the top google ad a bit smaller 468x60 parellel banner and then increase the size of your logo...

but very nice....


Sorry but personally I think the trust of the site is lost because of three large banner ads that are irrelevant to the site subject, facebook taking up a lot of space, plus a cramped logo and strapline.
Definitely needs a logo overhaul, the current one doesn't blend into the site at all (and the strapline is unreadable). That said, with a domain like this you don't need a strapline!

Also agree with the comment above re the Google ads, they are too distracting.
The site does look very clean, and very professional.

However, my main suggestion does concern the top banner. I'm not sure of your long term strategy but if that were my site I'd be trying to get as many people onto my newsletter. Done right I'm thinking you can promote stuff during their pregnancy and of course after they give birth there are so many other things you could be promoting. I guess you know all that but my thoughts are that what you earn through the banner ad would be far less than what you could potentially earn from your email list.

So I would get rid of the top banner, make the logo and Tagline bigger (badly needed) and then move the Newsletter email capture into that top space too.

I've also found a few minor things such as spelling and crossing t's and dotting i's so I'll PM you those.
Generally I like it, its a good look and easy to navigate. Personally I'd get rid of the left hand banner under the menu until the traffic builds up. For me it was a web hosting banner there, probably because I was also on here.

Logo-wise I dont think its a big issue, perhaps if you changed the strapline to "pregnancy help and support" you could increase the font size a little and line it up with the rest of the logo.

Lastly, in case you're stuck for ideas for articles, I've come up with one or two:

- Up The Duff: How to tell your dad.
- Who's Baby? How many likes have you had?
- Destiny or Dwayne? Traditional British names.
- The Fugative: Baby's dad and the CSA
- OohYa Bassa: Does having a baby hurt?
- Grand Designs: Your new council house
Generally I like it, its a good look and easy to navigate. Personally I'd get rid of the left hand banner under the menu until the traffic builds up. For me it was a web hosting banner there, probably because I was also on here.

Logo-wise I dont think its a big issue, perhaps if you changed the strapline to "pregnancy help and support" you could increase the font size a little and line it up with the rest of the logo.

Lastly, in case you're stuck for ideas for articles, I've come up with one or two:

- Up The Duff: How to tell your dad.
- Who's Baby? How many likes have you had?
- Destiny or Dwayne? Traditional British names.
- The Fugative: Baby's dad and the CSA
- OohYa Bassa: Does having a baby hurt?
- Grand Designs: Your new council house

i have just spat coffee on my keyboard :p
Agree with the comments about the masthead.

Logo too weak
Strap illegible
Leader ad too dominant (size, placement and strength of colours relative to the very pale palate of the site's other content on the ones served to me)

The pale grey font against a white background is a bit too pale for me - quite hard to read.

Articles could do with paragraphs being broken up more + more bold phrases to allow readers to pick out topics quickly on page.

Otherwise good stuff - well done.
Smashing look Scott, it reminds me of the babycentre site (colour scheme and pregnancy ticker).

The only things id think about altering is the writing in the logo as its a bit small as already said, and removing that top banner.

Very clean looking site though mate!
Generally I like it, its a good look and easy to navigate. Personally I'd get rid of the left hand banner under the menu until the traffic builds up. For me it was a web hosting banner there, probably because I was also on here.

Logo-wise I dont think its a big issue, perhaps if you changed the strapline to "pregnancy help and support" you could increase the font size a little and line it up with the rest of the logo.

Lastly, in case you're stuck for ideas for articles, I've come up with one or two:

- Up The Duff: How to tell your dad.
- Who's Baby? How many likes have you had?
- Destiny or Dwayne? Traditional British names.
- The Fugative: Baby's dad and the CSA
- OohYa Bassa: Does having a baby hurt?
- Grand Designs: Your new council house

Fuckin hilarious!!!!
Its navigation is a little higgly piggly doesn’t seem to flow not sure if it’s the sea of white and blue but seems to get lost a little for me front page is better but others not so
not sure what’s a link and what’s not...
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Thanks for all the feedback, a new logo is about to be ordered, this was something that was on the 'to do' list. Removed the unreadable tag line for now.

Have corrected the spelling mistakes but please feel free to point out any other you come across.

Have darkened the main text to a darker grey and now working on the navigation. Still loads to do, will post again once it's a bit closer to being finished.

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