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Who would you recommend for three letter ?

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Jul 17, 2007
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who would you say is good at catching a three letter domain, my missus is starting a new business and we have located a domain that will require a dropcatcher.

anyone on here from giant games they seem good :rolleyes:

nothing like cornering the market !!!!
anyone on here from giant games they seem good :rolleyes:

Giant actually hand registered their 8,500 LLL.co.uks...

Try booking it with all the catchers, and see if you can get a couple of private catchers on the case. If the worst comes to the worst you can always buy it...
and they are dohhh!!!!

buy it ? are you mad man....

i would try it myself if i wasn't a million miles from the exchange and my broadband is on go slow,and i had the know how,time and patience

i prefer hand regging them much less hassle
Possibly wait until it has been caught, and make a good honest offer to whoever does catch it. They are highly competitive and therefore a nightmare to target speculatively.

Market value is c. £500+ for odd letters, more for good combinations, mega bucks for v. good ones.
Book it with as many as you can but you may find most private catchers won't book it as they know they can sell it for xxx
you'll also find it booked with the public catchers as soon as suspended
What a crooked business heh !!!

If you supposed to provide a service then you should do just that,how unprofessional is that.

So if i book a domain with a catcher and they say sorry i have decided i will catch it for myself instead....then what...legally
Perhaps put a £1000 bid on it on domainlore.co.uk, see if anyone who uses the site takes the bite.
i have emailed one or two that catch and see what there response will be,i find it a conflict of interest personally.
You will find most of the public catchers work a policy of first come first served as regards bookings, I only know of one public catcher that wont accept bookings for llls or 2cs, for a LLL go with Ratboys suggestion, if you really do need that name, most public catchers have too many names to go after and private catchers will be hammering away all day on just the one name for their own benefit.


Ask to book a domain on the date the domain is due to drop.

Do not PM the domain until they have confirmed there list of domains for that day.
Thing is this is for Charitable cause my missus being a devout christian and i am having to fund it so i am not willing to spend a fortune because i will be supporting this for a while and i am struggling financially already.....

now where is my violin :D
You will find most of the public catchers work a policy of first come first served as regards bookings, I only know of one public catcher that wont accept bookings for llls or 2cs, for a LLL go with Ratboys suggestion, if you really do need that name, most public catchers have too many names to go after and private catchers will be hammering away all day on just the one name for their own benefit.



what private catcher won't catch lll's
o not PM the domain until they have confirmed there list of domains for that day.

Why would a dropcatcher tell you what names they were planning to catch in advance of the day - especially if you wouldn't say what you wanted to book? Apologies if I've gotten the wrong end of the stick...

Surely anyone with a DAC can find out which LLL.co.uk you're going for in a few minutes if you give a date? (ie I've got the DAC output with expiry dates etc for all 17,000+ LLL.co.uk's from previous searches)
Whatever lll it is it will be on every private dropcatchers list for that day, that's pretty much guaranteed. I can't see any private catcher offering to catch it for you for anything less than what they think they can sell it for, lll domains are pretty much currency.

Don't get me wrong, but you won't get it for £30 thats for sure. Charitable means or not. If you want it i'm sure there are ways (outlined above) but you will have to part with some ££

Final commnt on this, LLLs have value of at least £ xxx as suggested elewhere in this thread, most public catchers will take a booking, simply cos they feel they have to remain 'honest' etc., knowing full well they have 99.9% chance of not getting it, sorry dropsystem let's say 99% non chance.

Private catchers may also take a booking but for LLL they'd want a catch fee approaching market selling price, or more likely politley say they were booked.

If you are skint have you thought of trying the .org.uk equivalent of the name?


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Thing is this is for Charitable cause my missus being a devout christian and i am having to fund it so i am not willing to spend a fortune because i will be supporting this for a while and i am struggling financially already.....

Sorry, but this kind of comment really winds me up. I can't think of any offline example where somebody walks into a store and says "Because I'm a student/a charity/poor/non profit/any other excuse, I want you to sell me what you're offering for 10%/1%/a laughably small % of what you normally charge" yet I see that all the time in the domain world.

I get emails along the above lines almost every single day, and I really wonder what planet the people emailing are living on!

Choosing to GIVE to charity is one thing (and a very laudable and worthwhile action) but suggesting that one should throw basic business commonsense and economics out of the window because the other party to a transaction can't or doesn't want to pay market price is ludicrous.

Sadly, that doesn't seem to stop the emails coming!

Added: yes, I know that for instance students get discounts in many stores, but the discount is always a small percentage of the overall price, and the store-owner has already done the math and figured that the repeat business/word of mouth/remaining profit after the discount warrants offering it in the first place.
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Sorry, but this kind of comment really winds me up. I can't think of any offline example where somebody walks into a store and says "Because I'm a student/a charity/poor/non profit/any other excuse, I want you to sell me what you're offering for 10%/1%/a laughably small % of what you normally charge" yet I see that all the time in the domain world.

I get emails along the above lines almost every single day, and I really wonder what planet the people emailing are living on!

Just for Edwin's benefit and for other people that don't know Mark, his comment on this probably a little tongue in cheek and he wasn't being 100% serious. His comments were probably just a sarcastic mask for his fustrations in this area. I have dealt with Mark a lot and if you don't know him you could be forgiven for getting the wrong end of the stick.

So he isn't complaining about market forces, I think :D
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