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Recent content by bb99

  1. bb99

    AGM: Voting is now open for NED & articles changes

    Jesus Ben, are you saying that you've not been a member for 9 months and you've actually been sent the details and been able to vote in the NED election? I appreciate that you have actually said that, but I'm so in disbelief that I thought I'd better double check :(
  2. bb99

    .co.uk or .com wanted for a property/letting software

    m o v e d .co.uk / .uk £5k+VAT
  3. bb99

    Bought a dropped .co.uk but Ionos are cybersquatting on the .uk

    Once you've exhausted things with Ionos, I think your next port of call would be a complaint about them to Nominet (see "Complaining about a registrar" here: https://www.nominet.uk/complaints/ ). They only seem to accept complaints in relation to the RRA, so looking at that they may fall down...
  4. bb99

    One word premium .co.uk's £xx,xxx+ budget

    John are you just looking for .co.uk or would you consider a .uk ?
  5. bb99

    pet food realted domain wanted

    You don't say if you're open to brandable. But if you are: p e a k .co.uk / .uk j u i c y .co.uk / .uk g i r t h .co.uk / .uk d o d g e r s .co.uk / uk
  6. bb99

    DomainLore Auction ResinDrives.uk

    Just over an hour left on this - dig deep. Dig deep... geddit? Drives, digging, etc ... I'll get my coat.
  7. bb99

    DomainLore Auction ResinDrives.uk

    My first ever DL auction - ResinDrives.uk from the recent RoR drop. Currently at £50, finishes tomorrow. Lot of profit in resin drives, there's a few grand in each one so it's a rich industry. https://domainlore.uk/resindrives.uk
  8. bb99

    Prime Day

    I think the general prime day deals on new stuff are a bit hit and miss - it's all very well discounting a set of pans by 30% but most people would only buy something like this every few years. If you want "a big telly" and aren't too fussy then there can be some good deals. For the last...
  9. bb99

    Godaddy has signed up 21 tags ?

    Andrew do you know which of these tags, if any, were active on the testbed?
  10. bb99

    Reminder for ukbackorder UK release

    NINE THOUSAND back orders? You're shitting me! I thought there was no demand for .uk :eek:
  11. bb99

    “Numb nuts they didn’t reg” awards

    smile dot uk nissan dot uk jeep dot uk
  12. bb99

    What will be next?

    I think they'll change the drop system so all domains drop like the RoR each day, in one big batch and with "better" access for the big boys.
  13. bb99

    The great big .uk Rights of Registration thread!

    Final tiers now appear to be online: https://registrars.nominet.uk/uk-namespace/dot-uk/rights-of-registration/
  14. bb99

    Sex Toy domain

    ballgag.co.uk/.uk £250+VAT
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