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Recent content by davedevelopment

  1. davedevelopment

    So any ideas?

    I'm officially giving up today. I've not been loading any domains, scanning the lists was becoming a waste of time when I had zero chance of picking anything up. I have a handful of crap domains left in my portfolio that I'll probably leave with landing pages until they expire, but other than...
  2. davedevelopment

    Flip UK Auction southcave - small geo

    Both .co.uk and .uk, this is a small village with 4-5k population. Starts tomorrow, running for 5 days, £1 start and no reserve - https://www.flip.uk/listing/southcavecouk-uk/24398
  3. davedevelopment

    Repairs Domain Wanted

    Not sure on your context, so it might not fit, but I have fixerupper in both .co.uk and .uk.
  4. davedevelopment

    scampi and crumpet on the .uk at DL

    Ending around 3pm, no bids yet, might go for just £50...
  5. davedevelopment

    scampi and crumpet on the .uk at DL

    https://domainlore.uk/auctions/gems_id/29142 https://domainlore.uk/auctions/gems_id/29143 Both end Monday afternoon
  6. davedevelopment


    That's impressive! So far my adventures have seen me lose about £800 of hypothetical funds on FXCM, but happy to be learning. That's mostly trying to trade on price action. I think around £500 of the loss came in one trade though, when I inadvertently miscalculated the pips and put myself in...
  7. davedevelopment


    Ends tomorrow
  8. davedevelopment


    I'm not using it now, no real intention of using it and I'm less and less interested in domain trading in general, so up it went.
  9. davedevelopment


    My name is technically David, but I always go by Dave.
  10. davedevelopment

    New Nominet drop catching flaw exposed

    Just for the avoidance of any doubt, the invoice I am waiting on did not go to Niall Day, [Tag = DAPPS].
  11. davedevelopment


    Ending on Monday 5th October, around 3pm. Bidding currently at £50, no reserve. https://domainlore.uk/David.uk
  12. davedevelopment

    New Nominet drop catching flaw exposed

    This invoice went overdue yesterday... Any news on the flaw @Hay? I don't really expect nominet to do anything, but I'm always interested to know how people are beating me to every single domain I try and catch theses days :)
  13. davedevelopment

    New Nominet drop catching flaw exposed

    I sold a domain to one of those tags on Monday! Released the domain without waiting for payment as I'm lazy, probably won't be seeing that money then...
  14. davedevelopment


    Appreciate the concern, but I've a wise old head on me now, slow and steady all the way. I'll be sticking with demo accounts while I learn. Also won't be doing any real trading until I've laid the laws down with the wife. She'll probably not be interested in anything I say and I'll just be...
  15. davedevelopment

    NED Election results

    Congratulations Phil, commiserations to the others. Sorry to see you go Susannah, I didn't vote for you, but would have done if I could.
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