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Recent content by freddy

  1. freddy

    World Hosting Group acquires Hosting.co.uk

    Thank you Craig! It is time to move to new ventures.
  2. freddy

    How can I track down lost access to a .com?

    hi, ping me with a PM. I can try. Will try to reach a C-Level person to find out what is their requirement to show proof. I will need the domain name. And the proof what you already have.
  3. freddy

    Domain Summit Have applied for the Trademark

    be careful what you are doing, you are extremely motivated when doing this now and of course you want to share. Let me know if you need help, I am an interest here: https://euctm.com The guys behind do a really good job protecting domains and trademarks.
  4. freddy

    DOMAINSUMMIT.COM sold for $17,500

    nice sale, reminds of my domainermeeting.com
  5. freddy

    [Meetup] Tuesday, 21 November - Pizza, beer and domains

    hey Helmuts, thx for notifying me via X. I will check if there is some room in my calendar.
  6. freddy

    DomainOutbound.com Experience

    Agreed, I belive your wpdesigner.co.uk is priced fair in the mid XXX. Why should you sell your good ccTLD for XX if a Ngtld cost already XX? And the ngtld is not as common like yours. Yours maybe get typein traffic, the new gtld (most cases)definately not.
  7. freddy

    DomainOutbound.com Experience

    Sure. I do not want to end up here in a discussion what the value is. And I am sure some Domainer would sell in the 3figure range, but not me. AdvertisingCampaign.co.uk Dad.co.uk Wardrobes.co.uk ....
  8. freddy

    DomainOutbound.com Experience

    Sadly we have not been successful with domainoutbound, I am sure it works if you sell your names for 250 GBP or lower. but this is not my pricerange. The amount of leads was acceptable, but I believe the clients which pay 4 - 5 figures or more you usually do not reach via whois or contact form...
  9. freddy

    Singular .co.uk domains wanted

    To many offers? :)
  10. freddy

    Wordpress hacked

    I run more than 2000 WP Sites, we had this really often. But since we use Wordfence it became better. You should really try it out.
  11. freddy

    Singular .co.uk domains wanted

    pm send with those names, I have all the .uk versions as well. charisma.co.uk chowchow.co.uk rendering.co.uk purgatory.co.uk mexican.co.uk popularity.co.uk simpler.co.uk vendor.co.uk diphtheria.co.uk dysarthria.co.uk
  12. freddy

    Brandable Domain Wanted (Ideally .com)

    What about? vipvehicle.com it is listed here: https://keyworddomains.com/listing/vipvehicle-com/
  13. freddy

    DomainOutbound.com Experience

    I was going to try it out, but the site is closed right now. I tried with an indian company a similar strategy, they searched half manual the leads, at the end it was not very good. Even after send thousands of emails. Does the service work only for english domains? Would be cool if they...
  14. freddy

    Linking to Sedo Listings

    I did this in the past with an iframe. Meanwhile I redirect 1/3 of my domains directly to my own buy now pages.
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