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Recent content by JMI

  1. JMI

    Same old same old….

    I don't understand.. how can I read Admin posts if your set to ignore?
  2. JMI

    Same old same old….

    I don't know what you lot complain about.. any day now EthereumBuzz will drop to $50 and I will buy it and become rich!!!
  3. JMI

    Nice email.... but...

    I guess a paid membership will reduce the ai posts - elon was right
  4. JMI

    Nice email.... but...

    Rule #1 Do not disagree with anything anyone else says, always be grateful you are allowed to post and not be scammed.
  5. JMI

    Nominet Consultation opens on significant changes to .UK registry systems

    If I was a cynical person I'd say this update will keep Nominet IT department going for another 10 years, and justify future price increases.
  6. JMI

    Nominet Consultation opens on significant changes to .UK registry systems

    Forgive my dumb question - what's wrong with the current 'pull' with a Tag system. It seems to have worked ok for over 20 years, what is the benefit of going down the auth route (please someone don't just say security ).
  7. JMI

    That moment 25 years later..

    ..when you realize its worth less than renewal fees.
  8. JMI

    Happy Christmas to all

    Merry Christmas everyone. At this time of year we should try to forgive others transgressions and spread peace, harmony and love. "We are shaped and fashioned by what we love." — von Goethe
  9. JMI

    In the end, does it really matter..

    ..which one you use?
  10. JMI

    18 months

    Revised to 12 months, as 18 much to generous. You'll notice when it happens.
  11. JMI

    18 months

    max, maybe less.
  12. JMI

    jumpers.co.uk (678 GBP)

    Probably about right, but a bit generational old school. You could have womensjumpers.uk for reg fee and spend £600 on content and cut to the mustard.
  13. JMI

    Hi, Michael from dergh.com

    Maybe he needed De-rigueur instead
  14. JMI

    The .UK revolution

    Even sweeter they redirect the .co.uk to the .uk
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