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Recent content by mif

  1. mif


    Edit, Sat 20th: Sold. mags.co.uk for sale. No site, no traffic. Edit: And having had a look around various free valuations. Wide variety. £500 seems about mid-range. (One says $6,300. In my dreams :))
  2. mif

    coolscot & mikeforrester .coms

    coolscot.com mikeforrester.com No sites, no traffic. Worth a fortune? Throw them away?...
  3. mif

    One Generic German Keyword .com's

    I live in Spain, so can offer that perspective. It is well known that the US/UK uptake of web has been ahead of the rest of the world. Spain is catching up, but is still well behind. SME business usage of the web is very poor. Simple stuff like PayPal integration, functional shopping...
  4. mif

    One Generic German Keyword .com's

    There is a sub-forum on here for the selling of .de .es .fr ... names: http://www.acorndomains.co.uk/other-european-domains.html It is quite quiet, and does not seem to have much discussion.
  5. mif

    Price expectations if selling domain/website generating High £xx,xxx profits

    Domains and residential property are different worlds. Domains and *Commercial* property are similar worlds.
  6. mif

    Making a Domain earn £1 a week

    Yes, that is the key. It is very easy to spend a month building something, then get disheartened when it makes pennies. A real-world example, one page I have: 2007 £ 37.84 2008 £ 83.49 2009 £ 756.06 2010 £ 1,158.36 2011 £ 1,489.85 2012 £ 245.60 2013 £ 197.20 to Nov 2014 £ 950.00...
  7. mif

    Price expectations if selling domain/website generating High £xx,xxx profits

    I too am seeking the answer to this question. This thread seems to have focused a lot on whether its 3 x or 1 x or whether a Panda slapped us. I'll posit a thought I have been trying to get people to agree with for years: How much value would you place on owning 1 Harley St, London...
  8. mif

    Making a Domain earn £1 a week

    It depends what you mean by decent earning. It would be lovely if one could use some cheap hosting like that, spend a few hours now and again, and have that make you £50,000 a year. That ain't gonna happen. Not without a lot more time, investment, and technical know-how. And you'll want...
  9. mif

    Price expectations if selling domain/website generating High £xx,xxx profits

    I agree completely. I was playing Devil's Advocate a bit. I too have seen seismic changes caused by technology shifts. But, well, I dunno. If its a fly-by-night 'I'm gonna scrape wikipedia content', buy in loads of backlinks and facebook posts, make it look good and punt it to the first...
  10. mif

    Making a Domain earn £1 a week

    Stumbled across this long-running thread, and it is an interesting read. OK, I'll bite. Making £1 a day isn't setting anybody's world alight. But... If one could get 3 pages each making £1 a day, that's £3 a day, that's £100 a month. That's a nice target. And that's worth spending some...
  11. mif

    Price expectations if selling domain/website generating High £xx,xxx profits

    3 x, 1x, current economic climate, whatever... I think the point is, with a bricks&mortar business, you expect sell it again in 3 years, and expect to get your investment back. So it costs you £60,000, you make a living for 3 years, you sell it again for £60,000. And why does that model...
  12. mif

    Price expectations if selling domain/website generating High £xx,xxx profits

    Then he is expecting the internet to work differently from the real world. If you wanted to buy a corner shop making profit of £20,000 a year - it will be valued at 3 x profit. You can argue whether it should be 3, or 2, or 2.5. But it ain't going to be £10,000.
  13. mif

    How does Google count links ?

    BTW For an example of a Directory Site that I know from experience ranks very highly: http://www.javeaonline24.com/javea-restaurants-c58.html And I would argue that that type of site should rank highly in SEs. It is very useful, and highly relevant to users searching for Restaurants & Bars...
  14. mif

    How does Google count links ?

    Yes, I'm sure I read somewhere, or just assumed they *must* be smart enough to instruct their human reviewers that the likes of a Nominet should be marked as 'special', and ranked manually rather than whatever-the-algorithm-says. I have found that noindex is respected. But I doubt if nofollow...
  15. mif

    Price expectations if selling domain/website generating High £xx,xxx profits

    (Yep, some multiple of earnings / profit.) What about the value of the name. As in a 'high quality generic'. Have people found that the coolness of the name itself has significant value, over and above some 3 x profit calculation? I don't mean between Domainers and SEO-tarts, I mean...
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