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Recent content by TheLeadGuy

  1. T

    New site just launched : best wordpress hosting

    New site just launched : best wordpress hosting
  2. T

    .uk Sell Off

    Only just seen the link lol was looking a while back. Having a look now and will pop a DM with any I like
  3. T

    Caught.co.uk Down ?

    Hey folks... Was just posting to say is caught.co.uk down for anyone else and then noticed there was a massive name sell off back in Feb Has it gone for good ?
  4. T

    Domain name rental instead of sales.

    I've rented domains from owners previously with a purchase option attached. I personally think it does work, as if you have domains doing nothing that haven't sold and sat on Dan etc for ages at least its generating the owner some revenue. If the rental comes with a reduced purchase option at...
  5. T

    £20 each - £50 for all

    DevJobs.uk DerbyJobs.uk SheffieldJobs.uk TechSupportJobs.co.uk & .uk ( come as a pair for £20 ) Buyer to cover any Nominet transfer fees
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  7. T

    Moving a WP site to new host?

    WP Installations can be automatically imported from a remote hosting account using WP Toolkit which is on all cPanel accounts
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    Don't know what to ask for it so open to offers CompareHosting.uk Also own HassleFreeHosting.co.uk & .uk Currently work for a web hosting company so am unable to do anything with the domains due to conflict of interest so would be open to all offers. I could also do a good discount on a VPS...
  9. T

    3d web

    @dee Can you please ask Mark if you could pass on his email address to me please or if he sees this can he get in touch ? His website isn't loading the contact page and cant find his email address in the history Thanks
  10. T

    Facebook App is driving me insane .. Anyone help ?

    Think this may have to be a temporary solution while I try and figure it out Thanks :)
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    Facebook App is driving me insane .. Anyone help ?

    Am just having a read now ...
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    Facebook App is driving me insane .. Anyone help ?

    Yeah this is whats driving me nuts.. There are other apps I can use to sort of do the job. The issues I have are : 1 ) If their apps work .. why wont mine. 2 ) The way my content is pulled and formatted from json data prior to it being posted may not work with other apps.. I'm just getting...
  13. T

    Facebook App is driving me insane .. Anyone help ?

    Hi Folks, Ok so I'm pulling my hair out with this one ! I have an app that currently posts automatically to a Facebook Page without any issues... However I just acquired a Facebook Group and I've searched for answers or almost a week an nothing works. No matter what I try I cannot get the...
  14. T

    Any WP type themes for this?

    I spotted a theme that seemed like it would be a good fit for what you are looking for. Will have a search through my history today and post a link :)
  15. T

    Looking for AV related affiliate program

    will check it out cheers :)
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