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  1. T

    Telegraph Article - Former BBC chairman joins bid to oust board at web registry

    There's several he deleted from last night. Make of that what you will.
  2. T

    Securing the future of Nominet – why you should care

    I think most members are seeing it for what it is, a sham. I replied to him on twitter, but he's since been on a tweet deleting spree.
  3. T

    Domain Manager

    They just called me back asking for more info, sent them quite a bit of info from several browsers/connections. Apparently getting calls from registrants as well, so it's not isolated.
  4. T

    Domain Manager

    I reported it via the live chat to them.
  5. T

    Domain Manager

    Down for me as well. ACP logo pack download is broken as well.
  6. T

    September .uk drop discussion

    My first comment on this thread, so hardly sticking my nose in. I'm just amazed how someone can't associate the acts of fellow registars as impacting upon the reputation of the .uk namespace (this isn't limited to here, this has made it far wider than this little forum) and in turn the members...
  7. T

    September .uk drop discussion

    A great number of people on here are members of Nominet, so it has everything to do with them, given it affects the reputation of the .uk namespace, its operators and public opinion on those who are members.
  8. T

    The UK ROR 'WHO GOT WHAT?' thread

    You'll need deep pockets if you want it, > £10k.
  9. T

    Premium DNS (that isn't CloudFlare)

    They've all had outages and issues. The first one wasn't CF fault and could easily impact anyone, that's the nature of the internet at the moment. 2nd one was a bit silly, but I bet it doesn't happen again.
  10. T

    Sedo Auction Sedo .UK Domain Auction Starting 11 July

    I'd imagine tag holders know, at least one of them does as I enquired about a domain and they advised it would be on Sedo.
  11. T

    Sedo Auction Sedo .UK Domain Auction Starting 11 July

    No, there are domains from a lot of tags in there.
  12. T

    Email Address Prefixes

    Up until recently, <firstname>@<firstname><surname>.com, moving to <firstname>@<surname>.uk now
  13. T

    cPanel Inc. announce massive price increase

    A lot of the stuff they have added though is fluff. They haven't fixed some of the deeper issues that anyone serious about hosting has been crying out for (except the big boys, because they set their in-house dev teams on years ago working round them), DNSSEC is a major case in point. It was...
  14. T

    cPanel Inc. announce massive price increase

    Which is owned by...... Oakley Capital, the same as cPanel.
  15. T

    The UK ROR 'WHO GOT WHAT?' thread

    Mine have been credited back to my account. I'll find out tomorrow if they'll credit back to my card, as I've been using the credit from previous day, to pay for the current day. If not, I'm sure Amex will have a word.
  16. T

    The UK ROR 'WHO GOT WHAT?' thread

    php and scunthorpe were on my list, congrats.
  17. T

    The UK ROR 'WHO GOT WHAT?' thread

    CatchTiger only managed to bag 1 of 50 or so that I "won" there so far. Don't know how they are doing overall. Snapnames had more luck. Picked a few up with Gandi as well.
  18. T

    Right Of Registration EPP Script (Free)

    If it's a Xen VPS try this: echo "1" > /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock Then then stop NTP, use ntpdate, start ntp as before :)
  19. T

    The UK ROR 'WHO GOT WHAT?' thread

    That makes 2 of us ;)
  20. T


    Various things, no photos published unless official (basically all fan sites will have the same photo content, bar 1 exclusive photo per site), agree to link to the official artist site and a few other items (which are perfectly reasonable).
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