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2 letter

  1. M

    yu.uk - no reserve

    Excellent Chinese surname and 2 letter acronym. Auction ends on Monday July 15th at 14:45 GMT +1 https://domainlore.uk/yu.uk
  2. Maccke

    Offers t.me.uk, f.me.uk and 12 more short names

    Selling off a few short domains for great prices. If you are buying more than one I'm happy to lower the prices slightly. t.me.uk - £700 (pr2) ad.me.uk- £500 ar.me.uk- £300 au.me.uk- £300 ck.me.uk- £500 do.me.uk- £500 et.me.uk- £200 f.me.uk - £700 (pr2) hr.me.uk- £500 mobi.me.uk - £600 no.me.uk...
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