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  1. I


    My latest venture is Usable Databases which is an in-house shopping cart system that sells useful databases and data sets. It doesn't come with as much traffic as some of my other sites do, which I have been building and maintaining for years, but it's the best one I can make as of now. My...
  2. A

    For Sale WeddingBrowser.co.uk

    This website is fully functional and has interactive databases for both customers and advertisers. The owner/operator has full control of the content and appearance. The sale price includes the prestigious name WeddingBrowser.co.uk. You could easily pay more than £2500 for a website of this...
  3. Admin

    MySQL Countries Database

    Here is an SQL code snippet that will create a table called "Countries" and insert a list of countries along with abbreviations. Edit the INSERT INTO lines to add your own: CREATE TABLE `countries` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country_code` varchar(2) NOT NULL default ''...
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