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True Confessions - Can you help

Apr 19, 2005
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Hello Forum Members,

I hope this message finds you well on this wet Sunday morning.

I am a freelance sound engineer but I've transitioned into the role of a stay-at-home dad, balancing the responsibilities of caring for my two boys alongside supporting my hard-working wife. With the boys growing older, I've found more time to explore additional projects alongside my passion for domaining.

One of these endeavours is a new YouTube channel I've recently launched called "True Confessions." You can find the link here: https://www.youtube.com/@True_Confessions . I've begun uploading early videos on the channel, and I'm reaching out to our community for valuable feedback.

I am excited to share that an AI company whose software I utilize has shown interest in sponsoring the channel if it gains traction. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to view the early samples, provide constructive feedback, and perhaps help spread the word on social media. Liking and subscribing would also go a long way in helping the channel gain momentum.

Thank you for taking the time to look into this.

love this... some of those are brilliant.

Wearing the coat to the door and the turd knife ha ha. Think you're possibly on to a winner here.

My only comment, and its subjective of course is looking at the videos page its possbly going to start looking messy with the video title layout. Maybe make the part number smaller, title slightly biger and centralise the font ?

As a fellow sound engineer I wish you luck. I like it.
Congrats on trying something new.

I follow fesshole on Twitter. For me that is an easier method of consuming as I can read a fess in a couple of seconds, watching in video format seems to take ages in comparison and the voice doesn’t really sound to me like it would if it was an actual person delivering the joke.
love this... some of those are brilliant.

Wearing the coat to the door and the turd knife ha ha. Think you're possibly on to a winner here.

My only comment, and its subjective of course is looking at the videos page its possbly going to start looking messy with the video title layout. Maybe make the part number smaller, title slightly biger and centralise the font ?

As a fellow sound engineer I wish you luck. I like it.

Hi Dee, Thank you for finding time to explore the channel and sharing your thoughts here. I appreciate your feedback. Regarding the thumbnails, their large design was intentional to enhance visibility during scrolling on YouTube. Nevertheless, I value your input, and I'm taking note of your comments to make improvements in some future uploads
Congrats on trying something new.

I follow fesshole on Twitter. For me that is an easier method of consuming as I can read a fess in a couple of seconds, watching in video format seems to take ages in comparison and the voice doesn’t really sound to me like it would if it was an actual person delivering the joke.
Thanks BoxFish, I agree that Fesshole is quick and easy to consume and I will make changes to the voices as the AI software improves and maybe add faces to the words
love this... some of those are brilliant.

Wearing the coat to the door and the turd knife ha ha. Think you're possibly on to a winner here.

My only comment, and its subjective of course is looking at the videos page its possbly going to start looking messy with the video title layout. Maybe make the part number smaller, title slightly biger and centralise the font ?

As a fellow sound engineer I wish you luck. I like it.
Hi Dee have taken on board your advice and changed all the Thumbnails..

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