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Your thoughts on .co.uk domains these days

Apr 19, 2023
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Hi everyone,

Quite a long post but I am new to domaining, I wanted to explore because it sounded like something to keep me occupied in my spare time and with the costs of everything going up maybe it could provide a few extra pounds for nice things. Whilst I have been reading and researching as much as I possibly could, I feel as though I am coming to the conclusion that domaining in the UK or should I say for .co.uk is something of a non starter these days and I wanted to get some other peoples opinions on this.

I liked the idea of looking at expired domains, looking for the hidden treasure, and using dropped.uk and their drop lists I found it addictive looking through lists of .co.uk domains to try and find ones that may be of interest.
As with anything new, I wanted to get stuck right in so I signed up with 123-reg and registered a few domains. Probably a little hastily!

1. My first was one that I just liked the sound of. And still do like the sound of so I might keep it and develop it in to something one day!
2. I went with a one word domain, all be it a fairly long word that is fairly specific and is not a highly serached word!
3. A two word domain that sounded like it had real potential
4. A two word domain which had a high search keyword but maybe the words did not really fit together quite right
5. and lastly an AI domain as that seems to be the thing this year!

As a naive first timer, I am strating to think that the ones I got are not really worth much. I was never expecting to start selling domains for £1,000's but I thought that I could get some expired ones and sell them for £100. But I guess they have probably expired for a reason!

So now that I have my experimental domains I had to sell them. I have them listed on the normal platforms, sedo, dan etc but with so many domains out there how do they even get seen! I thought, that as I am not worried about selling for big bucks to an end user and I am definitly not a salesman why not try selling them at an auction site such as domainlore.
What I like about domainlore is that there are only a handful of auctions at any one time, it made me think that it is easier for my domains to be seen. But after researching more on .co.uk auction sites and previous sales there just doesnt seem to be the desire for .co.uk domains. Domainlore auctions get some bids but we are not talking hundreds and hundreds. Flip.uk... most of thier auctions seem to have 0 bids!

So if it is difficult to sell .co.uk domains why is it also so difficult to get good ones! I used dropped.uk catching service for a couple to see how that worked but it failed to catch so there must be some sort of demand for .co.uk domains.

My last point, which adds to my original question of is domaining .co.uk a non starter, is of all the research I have done, all the posts and articles I have read a lot of them are out of date and have been written some time ago. The forums on here are quiet, apart from the auction pages so is there demand for .co.uk domains? Clearly yes to a certain extent because people are still buying the good ones. But is it too quiet and too late to start dabbling in it?

You probably didnt really need to know all of that but I wanted to start the conversation because I know I wont be the only one who wants to give it a go.
Congratulations on making a steady, methodical start.

I think only time will tell if domaining is successful for the handful of domains you have so far, it's a numbers game.

There's some good, recent blog posts and monthly sales reports on https://domainsaleshistory.uk/
Thanks CatchDrop I will take a look at that link.

As someone who, I am assuming, has been doing this a long time do you see any decline in the .co.uk market?
No trouble, happy reading.

A decline in Market Activity, Sale Prices, Buyers, Sellers? A lots happened since I first bought or registered a UK domain to summarise the .co.uk market very easily.
It is different now, but all the history is still here in the forum. There's a similar post to yours here from 12 years ago https://www.acorndomains.co.uk/threads/why-im-no-longer-buying-domains.85255/#post-312457

However going forward, with your portfolio of domains, all you can do is wait a few years to see if anything comes from them inbound.

Or spend time promoting them outbound to potential buyers and see if that time is profitable.
If you're getting into domaining now, I'd set myself some rules:

Only buy what you can sell.
Set a hard limit on how many domains you're allowed to have registered at any one time.
Only allow yourself to buy more domains once you have quota available.

Bought a domain to develop? Develop it.
If/When you buy a domain to develop, develop it.

Make no excuses. You are the registrant of that domain name for a year anyway, so you might as well chuck a site there ASAP and see what happens.

Developing websites.
Get comfortable with web hosting, setting up a WordPress website, doing keyword research, and setting yourself a target of at least one post weekly.
Additionally, stick Google Analytics on there, sign up for the Amazon affiliate referral program, Google Adsense, etc., and see what happens.

Cold outreach is essential.
If you're unwilling to research potential buyers and are uncomfortable with cold outreach, I'd probably give it a miss.

One of the most admirable and prolific UK domainers I know of is/was @Federer. The guy was a legend at buying FTR domains and flipping them.
Check out his post archives.

Have a good sales template
One of the keys to successful outreach is a good email sales template.

This was one of the templates that Federer stated he had the most success with:


A domain name that we are currently selling may be of interest to your company:


Let us know if there is any interest, as we are reaching out to some prospective buyers.

Kind Regards,


Being 12 years ago it sort of highlights my point that domaining in the UK seems quiet compared to the US for instance.
I find it interesting that it just doesn't seem as active in the UK.
If you're getting into domaining now, I'd set myself some rules:

Only buy what you can sell.
Set a hard limit on how many domains you're allowed to have registered at any one time.
Only allow yourself to buy more domains once you have quota available.

Bought a domain to develop? Develop it.
If/When you buy a domain to develop, develop it.

Make no excuses. You are the registrant of that domain name for a year anyway, so you might as well chuck a site there ASAP and see what happens.

Developing websites.
Get comfortable with web hosting, setting up a WordPress website, doing keyword research, and setting yourself a target of at least one post weekly.
Additionally, stick Google Analytics on there, sign up for the Amazon affiliate referral program, Google Adsense, etc., and see what happens.

Cold outreach is essential.
If you're unwilling to research potential buyers and are uncomfortable with cold outreach, I'd probably give it a miss.

One of the most admirable and prolific UK domainers I know of is/was @Federer. The guy was a legend at buying FTR domains and flipping them.
Check out his post archives.

Have a good sales template
One of the keys to successful outreach is a good email sales template.

This was one of the templates that Federer stated he had the most success with:

Thanks for the advice Seemly.
Just out of interest is this advice because of the current market or is this based on your experience of buying and selling?
Thanks for the advice Seemly.
Just out of interest is this advice because of the current market or is this based on your experience of buying and selling?

I don't think it's the UK domain market itself. I think the market is fine for desirable domains.
ccTLDs just aren't going to have the same appeal as a .com domain, purely based on potential international market reach.

Keyword domains don't seem to get the same boost they used to regarding organic SEO (in Google), so the sales of micro-niche domains across less desirable ccTLDs in the UK ecosphere dropped off a cliff.

I think that's why sales data on domainsaleshistory.uk can be so interesting, as it can highlight trends over time. That's why I built it.

Something like blenders.org.uk just isn't as desirable as it might have been 10+ years ago. Although, you will still find buyers who are happy to develop these domains!

Additional prefixes and suffixes on a ccTLD will drop the value dramatically. Avoid doing this unless you plan to develop a brand.

ccTLDs tend to have maybe 10% of the value of a .com counterpart.

Sometimes, what you need to think is the following:
  • If a domain is FTR, it's for a reason.
  • If I like a FTR domain, sit on it for a few days.
  • Remember, the domain was FTR. It's very unlikely somebody else is going to snap it up before you.
  • If I still like it after a few days, I'll give it a punt.
  • If sitting on it for a few days and the domain was registered before me, it validates my thought process and I'm on the right track. Move on to the next.
Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by FTR?

When I get a chance I will take a look at your website. Sounds interesting.
Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by FTR?

When I get a chance I will take a look at your website. Sounds interesting.

Free to register (FTR).

Meaning not currently registered by anybody else.
Ah got it.
Thanks all. I find it all very interesting and an exciting little project.
Not that I have much spare time these days!
  • If I like a FTR domain, sit on it for a few days.
  • Remember, the domain was FTR. It's very unlikely somebody else is going to snap it up before you.

In theory it's good advice but I've kicked myself over a good 10 - 20 domains over the years that we were going to register but got beaten to it because we waited a few days.
In theory it's good advice but I've kicked myself over a good 10 - 20 domains over the years that we were going to register but got beaten to it because we waited a few days.

Followed by:

If sitting on it for a few days and the domain was registered before me, it validates my thought process and I'm on the right track. Move on to the next.

I don't disagree that it's disappointing, but I think the learning curve here is proof of validation and that what you're doing is working. Especially if it has happened on more than a couple of occasions.

But also, just because somebody else snapped up the FTR doesn't automatically make the domain valuable, more buyable, or sellable.

What happened to those domains since? Did they develop them? Did they flip them? Are they sat on some marketplace "waiting for the right buyer" willing to pay £xx,xxx?

We all know how quickly renewal fees can accumulate. In the current financial climate, I'd rather have my theories validated without spending money than invest any spare funds to see it fail.
Last edited:
I think for someone like me who is new to it, knowing that you could have had a decent domain is a boost to try again.

Obviously if I saw one I didn't get that then went for lots of £££££'s I would kick myself but if we knew how something would pan out in the future wouldn't we all be incredibly rich by now!
But also, just because somebody else snapped up the FTR doesn't automatically make the domain valuable, more buyable, or sellable.

What happened to those domains since? Did they develop them? Did they flip them? Are they sat on some marketplace "waiting for the right buyer" willing to pay £xx,xxx?

I think I ended up buying one of the bloody things myself for a lot more than reg fee.

Historically we've tended to buy to develop rather than resell and this was back in the days of easy EMD rankings so anything we'd reg'd we would have used ourselves.
Hi everyone,

Quite a long post but I am new to domaining, I wanted to explore because it sounded like something to keep me occupied in my spare time and with the costs of everything going up maybe it could provide a few extra pounds for nice things. Whilst I have been reading and researching as much as I possibly could, I feel as though I am coming to the conclusion that domaining in the UK or should I say for .co.uk is something of a non starter these days and I wanted to get some other peoples opinions on this.

I liked the idea of looking at expired domains, looking for the hidden treasure, and using dropped.uk and their drop lists I found it addictive looking through lists of .co.uk domains to try and find ones that may be of interest.
As with anything new, I wanted to get stuck right in so I signed up with 123-reg and registered a few domains. Probably a little hastily!

1. My first was one that I just liked the sound of. And still do like the sound of so I might keep it and develop it in to something one day!
2. I went with a one word domain, all be it a fairly long word that is fairly specific and is not a highly serached word!
3. A two word domain that sounded like it had real potential
4. A two word domain which had a high search keyword but maybe the words did not really fit together quite right
5. and lastly an AI domain as that seems to be the thing this year!

As a naive first timer, I am strating to think that the ones I got are not really worth much. I was never expecting to start selling domains for £1,000's but I thought that I could get some expired ones and sell them for £100. But I guess they have probably expired for a reason!

So now that I have my experimental domains I had to sell them. I have them listed on the normal platforms, sedo, dan etc but with so many domains out there how do they even get seen! I thought, that as I am not worried about selling for big bucks to an end user and I am definitly not a salesman why not try selling them at an auction site such as domainlore.
What I like about domainlore is that there are only a handful of auctions at any one time, it made me think that it is easier for my domains to be seen. But after researching more on .co.uk auction sites and previous sales there just doesnt seem to be the desire for .co.uk domains. Domainlore auctions get some bids but we are not talking hundreds and hundreds. Flip.uk... most of thier auctions seem to have 0 bids!

So if it is difficult to sell .co.uk domains why is it also so difficult to get good ones! I used dropped.uk catching service for a couple to see how that worked but it failed to catch so there must be some sort of demand for .co.uk domains.

My last point, which adds to my original question of is domaining .co.uk a non starter, is of all the research I have done, all the posts and articles I have read a lot of them are out of date and have been written some time ago. The forums on here are quiet, apart from the auction pages so is there demand for .co.uk domains? Clearly yes to a certain extent because people are still buying the good ones. But is it too quiet and too late to start dabbling in it?

You probably didnt really need to know all of that but I wanted to start the conversation because I know I wont be the only one who wants to give it a go.

A clever fake post.
Hi everyone,

Quite a long post but I am new to domaining, I wanted to explore because it sounded like something to keep me occupied in my spare time and with the costs of everything going up maybe it could provide a few extra pounds for nice things. Whilst I have been reading and researching as much as I possibly could, I feel as though I am coming to the conclusion that domaining in the UK or should I say for .co.uk is something of a non starter these days and I wanted to get some other peoples opinions on this.

I liked the idea of looking at expired domains, looking for the hidden treasure, and using dropped.uk and their drop lists I found it addictive looking through lists of .co.uk domains to try and find ones that may be of interest.
As with anything new, I wanted to get stuck right in so I signed up with 123-reg and registered a few domains. Probably a little hastily!

1. My first was one that I just liked the sound of. And still do like the sound of so I might keep it and develop it in to something one day!
2. I went with a one word domain, all be it a fairly long word that is fairly specific and is not a highly serached word!
3. A two word domain that sounded like it had real potential
4. A two word domain which had a high search keyword but maybe the words did not really fit together quite right
5. and lastly an AI domain as that seems to be the thing this year!

As a naive first timer, I am strating to think that the ones I got are not really worth much. I was never expecting to start selling domains for £1,000's but I thought that I could get some expired ones and sell them for £100. But I guess they have probably expired for a reason!

So now that I have my experimental domains I had to sell them. I have them listed on the normal platforms, sedo, dan etc but with so many domains out there how do they even get seen! I thought, that as I am not worried about selling for big bucks to an end user and I am definitly not a salesman why not try selling them at an auction site such as domainlore.
What I like about domainlore is that there are only a handful of auctions at any one time, it made me think that it is easier for my domains to be seen. But after researching more on .co.uk auction sites and previous sales there just doesnt seem to be the desire for .co.uk domains. Domainlore auctions get some bids but we are not talking hundreds and hundreds. Flip.uk... most of thier auctions seem to have 0 bids!

So if it is difficult to sell .co.uk domains why is it also so difficult to get good ones! I used dropped.uk catching service for a couple to see how that worked but it failed to catch so there must be some sort of demand for .co.uk domains.

My last point, which adds to my original question of is domaining .co.uk a non starter, is of all the research I have done, all the posts and articles I have read a lot of them are out of date and have been written some time ago. The forums on here are quiet, apart from the auction pages so is there demand for .co.uk domains? Clearly yes to a certain extent because people are still buying the good ones. But is it too quiet and too late to start dabbling in it?

You probably didnt really need to know all of that but I wanted to start the conversation because I know I wont be the only one who wants to give it a go.

what did you buy?
Fake or not, i’m sure much of what’s been shared are thoughts that I’ve had over the years.

and great advice from @seemly - as ‘they’ say, common sense is rarely that common :D

I think this is as good a thread as any to share some self-reflections - I’m doing my best to stay aware of some of cognitive biases that affect us all, that I know I suffer from, and I suggest could drive some of the decisions made amongst domainers, eg:

Survivorship Bias - we note and focus on the ‘exceptional’ / high value sales, but ignore or downplay the many thousands of domains that drop daily, which in fact demonstrate the lack of perceived value of domains in the business world at large.
- who has domains they ‘know’ are worth £xxxx+ figures ‘to the right buyer’, yet wouldn’t sell for £25 at auction…

Sunk Cost Fallacy - the amount of money, time or other resources that we’ve invested into a domain, affects our perception of the value that we believe the domain should return to us, or should have to others.
- I know a domain has cost me £10k buying it, renewing it, opportunity cost of what else I could have done with the cash, therefore I’ll only sell for £10k plus my target profit…

Endowment Effect - we believe that something we already own is more valuable than we would think it is if we didn’t already own it…
- who has domains they’ve been renewing for years, yet wouldn’t buy again today if there were listed for sale at £5 / FTR…

Optimism Bias - this year ahead is going to be better than last year, because…

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