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  1. italiandragon

    Cheapest and best place to reg. co.uk?

    Quite strange that I need to pay VAT when non-Australians don't pay GST on products sold by Australian companies.
  2. italiandragon

    .co.uk eligibility?

    Thank you
  3. italiandragon

    .co.uk eligibility?

    It has been long since I registered .co.uk domains so forgive me but as far as I know there are no restrictions of any sort...so Australians can still freely register them and use an Australian address, right? Thanks
  4. italiandragon

    Cheapest and best place to reg. co.uk?

    Indeed yes...thanks!
  5. italiandragon

    Cheapest and best place to reg. co.uk?

    Thank you! I am looking at both sites now...do I first register at topcashback.co.uk in order to get the rebate?
  6. italiandragon

    Cheapest and best place to reg. co.uk?

    Sorry, I'm in a rush...I'm browsing the section: http://www.acorndomains.co.uk/domain-name-registrars.html but since last posts are not so recent... I think a sticky updated thread with all different prices would be useful there. Thank you
  7. italiandragon

    How long before the USA defaults or they get hyperinflation?

    So after yesterday the commodities market went into panic mode with OIL losing nearly 10 % in one go and SILVER continuing a sharp decline (-30% in 4 days), today we hear about the rising inflation from Bloomberg as well. These are the early signs of what in few years could ruin the savings of...
  8. italiandragon

    How long before the USA defaults or they get hyperinflation?

    :) it took a hit finally...but the trend may be not compromised. Anyway, some fresh news.... Deadline extended: Geithner Extends Debt-Ceiling Deadline by Three Weeks to August http://noir.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601108&sid=auDvszpXldq4 Some quotes from the article: If...
  9. italiandragon

    How long before the USA defaults or they get hyperinflation?

    What happens if Congress blows the debt ceiling? http://money.cnn.com/2011/04/29/news/economy/debt_ceiling/index.htm?iid=HLM Let me explain this with some pictures. This IS inflation: while this WAS hyperinflation, after WW2 in Berlin: and here some...
  10. italiandragon

    How long before the USA defaults or they get hyperinflation?

    An extract from: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/news/us-economy-just-a-notch-above-greece/story-e6frg90o-1226043633361 – Capitol Hill has been consumed with political wrangling over whether to increase a $US14.3 trillion ($13.3 trillion) debt ceiling that is due to be breached...
  11. italiandragon

    Cheapest and best place to reg. co.uk?

    Hi guys, I have been a bit away from the UK market and am looking to develop a few ones so I'm interested in some feedback/advice about registrars for .co.uk I have my own hosting with GoDaddy. Cheers
  12. italiandragon


    received a $500 offer on MMCP.com BIN has been reduced again to just $1,000 for this PR4 from 1998. Thanks
  13. italiandragon


    Hello, I`m selling 90 % of ALL my domains due to serious personal reasons that right now I can`t disclose. Also I`m quitting at least for a few years with the domain industry and internet in general. With lots of regrets but I need money and so this is your chance to pick up something...
  14. italiandragon

    Currency: if an auction is listed in another currency, does it stop you from bidding?

    Currency: if an auction is listed in another currency, does it stop you from bidding? Example: There is a LLL.com right now at Sedo listed in EUROs. I prefer Euros because I have a bank account in Euros too but somewhat I had the impression that some buyers avoid to bid if they are...
  15. italiandragon

    Premium letters or Big BS ?

    I am known for never shutting my mouth even if I have nothing to gain, simply because I hate BS…I hate lies, I simply hate wrong things. There is a myth going around from years in the industry: Premium letters. Newbies asked me this many times. What is a Premium letter? And what is a...
  16. italiandragon

    New selling market COMMISSION FREE is here!!!

    Hi, which site? The Blog (italiandragon.com) is mine but not the new site I am talking about, that is not mine ( I wish! ).
  17. italiandragon

    New selling market COMMISSION FREE is here!!!

    To the admin/mods: it`s not really an ads but if you want to consider it like that I can`t find a section for it.....so hopefully here is fine. Finally we have finally a great alternative to sell domain names at NO COST, NILL, ZERO, NADA!!! Join us in this next generation...
  18. italiandragon

    Launching my first Blog at www.italiandragon.com

    Thanks mate, will do that.
  19. italiandragon

    Launching my first Blog at www.italiandragon.com

    wonderful, I`ll add it :) thanks again!
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