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124 domains bulk sale at wholesale price

Hey Ben,

Hope you're well!

Your inbox is full, could you send over the list please?

Thank for the interest so far. I've emailed back everyone who has emailed and I've messaged you @j13
But your inbox is still full so no-one else can PM you to ask for the list! I'd like to take a look if you can send me it.
Just a heads up to people, this is a bargain of the century. The domains on the list will keep reducing, because I'm actively cold selling them.

To give an idea of what people are missing out on, a domain name I removed from this list this morning, just closed for £450 through cold emailing. The same domain had 4/5 interested leads from emailing approx. 15 cold leads.
Sorry guys, this offer is no longer on the table as some of them have sold since.

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