Dear Mr X,
We have received your complaint.
We have not yet sent the complaint to the registrant of the disputed domain name, and are inviting you to review your case.
We do this when we receive short complaints, or complaints which have no supporting evidence for the Abusive Registration element of the dispute.
If you would like to add more information and evidence to you current complaint you can email it to me and I can add it for you. If you wish to withdraw your complaint and submit a new one, please let me know.
If I do not hear back from you by X I will send this complaint to the registrant.
To help you assess your complaint, we recommend that you read the following documents:
The Complaint guidance questions and the Example Complaint form will give you some ideas about what information and evidence you can include.
The DRS Experts Overview - this is a report made by the panel of adjudicators and summarises their opinions on common issues relating to the DRS policy and procedure.
The DRS Policy and Procedure - in particular look through section 3 of the DRS Policy for factors on how it could be an abusive registration.
All the previous DRS Expert decisions are published on our website, you could use the 'Full text' search function to look for similar cases.
The Complaint
You are the "Complainant", and the burden of proof lies with you. This means that in order to be successful you must prove two points on the balance of probabilities.
You must prove that you have:
1) Rights in a name or mark that is identical or similar to the domain name(s) AND
2) the domain name(s), in the hands of the Respondent, is an Abusive Registration.
These are known as the 'Rights' and the 'Abuse' test.
You have (up to) 5,000 words in total to state your case and prove the 'Rights' and the 'Abuse' tests. You are allowed to attach exhibits and evidence in addition to the 5,000 words.
It is vital that you refer to evidence and then provide it with your complaint. Stating "and this can be provided on request" or "see our website" will not be enough.
If you have any questions about the DRS process, please do contact us.
Kind regards,
Dispute Resolution Service
Legal Department