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Bespoke content, SEO reports, & more (offers expire Monday)

Oct 25, 2010
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Hey everyone! It’s getting into a slow time of year in the web industry, so I’m opening up some spots for freelance work. These offerings and prices are just for Acorn members, and only available till end of play Monday. I do all the work myself by hand, so availability is on a first-come-first-served basis.

Most of you know me here, but for those who don’t: I’ve written most of the 20i website, Heart Internet’s previous website and some of their current site plus a lot of their blog posts between 2010 – 2015, and I’ve written for all kinds of other people and companies including Apple and Cronofy, plus had content praised and shared by Zendesk, Evernote, etc. I’ve had niche sites for years and written for several Acorners, so I’m well-versed in creating original, optimised content about anything from holidays to carports.

I’m offering the below services for your business or niche website. (If your niche is very technical/obscure, like brain surgery (!) I’m happy to discuss a small research cost with you on top of the prices below).

If there’s something you want that isn’t listed below, feel free to PM me and we’ll figure something out.

Blog posts - Unique 500 word posts on a topic of your choice. I can do these in Word or directly into WordPress if you prefer. Keyword research included if needed. Optimised for search. Discounts available for bulk posts. (£45 for one post, £100 for three).

Evergreen articles or pages – Details as above. Page length can be longer or shorter as required.

Content repurposing - if you have a blog post or page that does particularly well, I can turn that into something else, e.g. an infographic, PDF checklist or cheatsheet, email, transcript for a talk or video, or similar. (Price varies depending on length and quality of original content, and what you want to turn it into).

Copy editing - Reviewing your website content for typos, broken links, missed opportunities for calls to action/buttons, heading and subheading improvements, structure improvements, rephrasing, and so on. (£150 for 10 pages).

Image editing and optimisation – lossy and lossless compression for the web, adding watermarks, improving light and tones, adding overlays etc. (Price varies depending on requirements and image condition).

Social media content creation - a calendar of ideas for a month for your website, plus post drafts and branded images. I’ll also share your content from my Twitter account, which has around 6k followers. (Price dependent on quantity of posts and number/type of networks, but starts at £100).

£120 SEO report – a manual, hand-typed report specific to your website covering things like your site’s biggest strengths and weaknesses, quick wins you can implement yourself, advice on keywords, ideas for getting high quality, relevant backlinks in your niche, and a general overview of your website’s performance. Discounts available for multiple sites.

£120 Social Media report – a manual, hand-typed report specific to your social media channels, covering things like an overview of how you’re getting on, consistency of voice, suggested improvements, ideas for additional content, phrasing, tips for appealing to and reaching your target audience. Discounts available for multiple sites.

Drop me a message if you have any questions or would like to know more!
Closed now, thanks to everyone who responded! Lots to keep me busy :)

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