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Bin Laden: Shoot To Kill

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Brings back memories of Coronado Island, you get sick of every local telling you the worst kept secret in San Diego; "Hey, did you know our Navy Seals train here?"
i will watch it when i get time

however if the conclusion of the documentary is that he was killed this year i suspect that's a waste of everyone's time
one of the purposes of this charade was to piss china off to the max
which it did

along with umpteen other reasons
Who knows if he was snuffed out in Tora Bora back in 2001 or killed this year -- I guess we'll never know for sure.

I never saw docu but will check it out. This is also a good read >>


I find the above reasonably plausible given how it was a total balls up -- as is the way with most US military operations. I agree that it's a big ask of BL and those around him to remain permanently on high alert for over 10 years. It seems to have came down to complacency on the part of BL and good fortune for the US Seals (they could well have been bullet / rocket fodder with the heli balls up).
What a great documentary, i sat riveted to the telly for 90 minutes.

Brave bastards!
I'll watch it when I get the time, but so far I haven't seen anything that proves that OBL was killed in that strike, or even that he was responsible for 911, any more than Lee Harvey Oswald was solely responsible for killing JFK.

The thing the US learned from that one was to make sure the only person who could cry 'patsy' for 911 was dead before it happened. Apart from that, the formula is pretty much the same.
What a great documentary, i sat riveted to the telly for 90 minutes.

Brave bastards!

Dead bastards now I think, the seal team in the BL raid was in the chopper that crashed/was shot down a month or 2 back.
I'll watch it when I get the time, but so far I haven't seen anything that proves that OBL was killed in that strike, or even that he was responsible for 911, any more than Lee Harvey Oswald was solely responsible for killing JFK.

The thing the US learned from that one was to make sure the only person who could cry 'patsy' for 911 was dead before it happened. Apart from that, the formula is pretty much the same.

spot on

i watched 3 seconds of it
it opens with the photo which the whitehouse admits was doctored lol

that was enough for me
Dead bastards now I think, the seal team in the BL raid was in the chopper that crashed/was shot down a month or 2 back.

Wasn't them... Same unit but none of the guys were involved in both of the incidents.
Conspiracy theories are really getting boring now guys.

Can't understand why the word 'conspiracy' keeps being used...either way you look at it there was a conspiracy.

When people stop defaulting to believing the press and start to think about the facts, there's no way that the official stories stand up.

We have been bombing Lybia to stop a tyrant from bombing his own people. The US did much worse to its own people 10 years ago. I don't see how that can be boring though I realise that to the masses, the X factor is more important.
I would be interested to know where your facts come from apart from media? Or do you have first hand experience you can elaborate on?

I love how conspiracy theorists instantly become experts in the related fields overnight. :)
I would be interested to know where your facts come from apart from media? Or do you have first hand experience you can elaborate on?

I love how conspiracy theorists instantly become experts in the related fields overnight. :)

It's simple. A fact is something which you KNOW to be correct, yes or no? Does everything you know come from the media? So do you want a few facts vs. theories to mull over and then we'll see the difference.

The 'official' story says that the twin towers fell down because of structural weakening of the steel core caused by 10,000 gallons of aviation fuel flowing down through elivator shafts etc. THEORY.

Well, when you see the planes hit the towers - that fireball - that's 10,000 gallons of aviation fuel going up in smoke. FACT.

There are plenty of credible witnesses from inside and around the towers who witnessed explosions - some in the floors below ground level. FACT.

The steel from the towers (the biggest crime scene in the US) was shipped to China for reprossesing before it could be analysed. FACT.

Several people who witnessed events on 911 which go against the official story (and were vocal in letting those events be known) have been killed in very dubious circumstances. FACT.

OBL and a few other guys living in caves in a third world country organised the whole 911 thing. THEORY.

OBL had been in cahoots with the CIA for several years suppossedly united against a common enemy, the Russians. Lee Harvey Oswald also had links to the CIA, and Russia. FACT.

The US released several videos of OBL after 911 that they knew to be false. FACT.

OBL was living in Pakistan for the past few years. THEORY.

OBL was killed by US forces in May 2011. THEORY.

OBL's body was flung off a ship within hours of his suppossed assasination. THEORY.

There have been no confirmed evidence that OBL has been alive for the past 10 years. FACT.


The fact remains, there is not one piece of irrefutable evidence to support the official story. Nothing that can prove it right beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's easy for the authorities to discount evidence to the contrary by crying 'conspiracy theory' - all they need is the help of the media, and we know how pally they are. Tony Blair Godfather to Rupert Murdoch's kid...kept that one quiet.
Conspiracy theories don't conspire to do things they conspire to cover up the screw ups that politicians and soldiers make. Things like the Kursk, Tony Blair's daughter attempting suicide during the Iraq war, stuff like that.

From someone that has been in the military, you couldn't organise something like that never mind keeping it secret.

Who are these psychos in the forces that would follow orders to blow down buildings and kill 3000 people. Those people are filtered out at the medical stage early on.
Conspiracy theories don't conspire to do things
That is pretty much the definition of 'conspiracy' - to conspire to do something.

they conspire to cover up the screw ups that politicians and soldiers make. Things like the Kursk, Tony Blair's daughter attempting suicide during the Iraq war, stuff like that.

From someone that has been in the military, you couldn't organise something like that never mind keeping it secret.

But we're expected to believe that a bunch of guys in a cave far, far away can organise it?

Who are these psychos in the forces that would follow orders to blow down buildings and kill 3000 people. Those people are filtered out at the medical stage early on.

Who were the guys who lead millions of Jewish men women and children into the gas chambers? And who said they were from the forces? CIA aren't military.
I would be interested to know where your facts come from apart from media? Or do you have first hand experience you can elaborate on?

I love how conspiracy theorists instantly become experts in the related fields overnight. :)

i think it's clear you have done zero research of you own and you yourself get your news from the redtops? or whats fed you
it's no-ones job but yours to seek out the facts
it takes a lot of time

anyone who says anything out of the sheeple viewpoint is a 'conspiracy theorist' :?:
That is pretty much the definition of 'conspiracy' - to conspire to do something.

Nope you are missing the point, people conspire to cover up their mistakes it is completely different from conspiring to do something.

But we're expected to believe that a bunch of guys in a cave far, far away can organise it?

People in bar or in a student flat with a pc flight sim could have pulled that off.

Who were the guys who lead millions of Jewish men women and children into the gas chambers? And who said they were from the forces? CIA aren't military.

That's off the scale mate...
That's off the scale mate...

What is? I wasn't insinuating that the CIA were involved in the holocaust...

Your previous comment implied you didn't think that people could be coersed into such actions, but there are people still alive now who are guily of killing tens of thousands of Jews. There are things going on in countries in Africa that are equally as bad or worse than what the US did against those 3,000 on 911.
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