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it.com Industry News Digest: March 2024

Oct 12, 2023
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Explore the latest trends and insights shaping the domain industry in our monthly digest for March 2024.
It covers various topics such as:

  • Future of Domain Industry: According to Sophie Pieck, Director of Business Development at Sedo, AI, renewable energy, and voice search are the most promising areas for domain names. The report highlights the importance of short, memorable domains and the potential scarcity of ultra-premium domains (single-word names with a relevant .com extension).
  • Google Dislikes AI Content: A recent Google algorithm update penalizes websites with AI-generated content. This content might not meet Google's quality standards and could negatively impact search rankings. The blog post suggests using AI-generated content strategically, combined with human input and editing, to ensure its value and originality.
  • New AI Competitor for ChatGPT: Anthropic introduced Claude 3, a large language model that rivals OpenAI's ChatGPT. Claude 3 offers text and visual content generation, code creation, and multilingual communication. With more competition in the generative AI space, users can expect advancements and potentially better tools for various tasks.
  • GlobalBlock Success: GoDaddy's GlobalBlock service allows trademark owners to block unauthorized domain registrations across top-level domains (TLDs) for a single fee. This service has effectively blocked over 2.5 million domains and helps protect brands from cybersquatting and phishing attempts.
Full article: https://get.it.com/blog/industry-news-digest-march-2024/

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