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Monetisation without selling

Sep 21, 2016
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I've had some great luck selling domains, but I own the domain GlasgowHomes.co.uk, and, rather than selling it (I am open to offers if anybody fancies it!) I thought it may be good as a website with ads on it.

Perhaps property content? I thought I'd ask the experts on this forum, what the best way to make money from a domain is, without selling it.

Many thanks!
Does it get traffic as it is? If not you will need to develop it to drive traffic to it to monetise ads you put there. Listing ads on a domain with, for example, sedo achieves nothing to bring traffic in to the site. If you're going to develop it you need to have a relevant topic and provide routes to monetisation relevant to that. There is also the affiliate route - where you provide information around a topic but also appear to provide a service for which you take a %. You can get affiliate feeds from places like commission junction or tradedoubler or you can form a relationship directly with a service provider although that obviously takes more work.
Does it get traffic as it is? If not you will need to develop it to drive traffic to it to monetise ads you put there. Listing ads on a domain with, for example, sedo achieves nothing to bring traffic in to the site. If you're going to develop it you need to have a relevant topic and provide routes to monetisation relevant to that. There is also the affiliate route - where you provide information around a topic but also appear to provide a service for which you take a %. You can get affiliate feeds from places like commission junction or tradedoubler or you can form a relationship directly with a service provider although that obviously takes more work.

That's great help thanks! I'm going to go down the content route and put adverts (probably Google Adsense) on posts that are optimised for search engines.

If anybody has any tips about how to optimise content, which content works best, or how I can garner traffic, this would also be widely appreciated, both by myself, and anyone who stumbles on this thread in future. :)
That sounds like a good real estate listing website. Have property and home listings.

Each niche and industry are different. So it's hard to tell you what works. Good content with proper SEO always works though.

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