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PPC management (Adwords and Bing Ads)

Jul 9, 2012
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I'm looking to take on a couple of extra clients for Adwords (and/or Bind Ads) pay-per-click management to bring some extra funds into the business over winter.

PPC marketing is a passion of mine and I have 10+ years experience. I am used to managing campaigns with tens of thousands of phrases, thousands of ad variations, and annual click budgets well into five figures - including in my own businesses as well as for PPC clients.

The management service best suits campaigns where the ad spend is £10,000/mo and upwards (or expected to get to that level). Normally I will be able to bring your click costs down by 30-50% within the first 2-3 months - either to deliver more traffic for the same budget, or to help you reduce costs.

After that I can either work with you regularly to grow the campaign, optimise CTRs, track and improve website conversions, or just come back periodically to give the campaign a health check.

A lot has changed with Adwords over the past couple of years (and again at the moment with expanded text ads), so even if your campaign was well setup to begin with, you're still probably overspending if you've not kept on top of things.

If you're interested, please drop me a PM to discuss options.

Also happy to provide one-off campaign reviews, optimise mobile settings, set up better reporting, problem solve, and create new campaigns. Even to operate in the background if you want to resell my services to your clients.

I'm a firm believer that there's no better audience than a search audience. Or as a Google advert once said:

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Have picked up two gigs, but still interested in taking on one or two more.

Does anyone needs a hand with:
  • Troubleshooting underperforming campaigns
  • One-off health checks and optimisations (or periodic reviews)
  • Ongoing management of existing campaigns
  • Setting up new campaigns
  • Configuring performance reports (a little known feature!)
Inbox me if interested.



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