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Complete Removal of negative reaction icons. Building even more Positive Acorn Domains


May 18, 2010
Reaction score
Good morning everyone,

Some of you, particularly our moderators and admins, may have noticed that Acorn members have sometimes deleted their posts or even accounts after receiving negative feedback. While we can't dictate how members interact, we can make changes to the forum that encourage a more positive and supportive environment.

This is especially important for new users, who we want to feel welcome and supported as they enter our industry.

To foster a safe and friendly community on AcornDomains.co.uk, we've implemented the following changes:
* Removed negative reaction icons (dislike and sad)
* Introduced new reaction icons: Like, Agree, Winner, Informative, Haha, and Wow

I believe these changes will create a more welcoming atmosphere for everyone. We encourage you to explore the new reactions and use them to show your appreciation for other members' contributions.

And, thank you all who have been pointing out to this aspect of our awesome forum!

How do you like the new icons?

Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 11.30.21.png

Have a great Sunday!
proud Acorn
So you're not allowed show any disagreement? How does that encourage broad discussion and opinion sharing?

I think its a bad idea to be honest. I doubt anyone left because they got a 'thumbs down' on a post
So you're not allowed show any disagreement? How does that encourage broad discussion and opinion sharing?

I think its a bad idea to be honest. I doubt anyone left because they got a 'thumbs down' on a post


I do understand your point.

But, then we get to the facts. And the facts are that people get feeling of being rejected and disrepected when their posts get downvoted.

I can name a number of large domainers who do not wish to post at the forums for 1 reason only > somebody with a click of a mouse can push negativity on them.

I have seen super valuable and promissing AMA threads deleted just because of negativity. And couple large domainers leaving because of this.

We need to make a choice > is Acorn a friendly zone, or not. Simple :) .. and all industry players, especially new ones (who just enter our space) should feel at Acorn as safe as possible.

It is a great Sunday, isn't it? :)


Can you please please try 1 more time? Please provide clear thinking and explanation of why we should allow negative emoji icons at Acorn. Otherwise, how can you impact this decission? .. let us talk.

Thank you, Helmuts


That is exactly how you show negative feedback, it is contained in that topic whereas dislike or similar removes a point from likes and people with vendettas will go around from post to post disliking a members responses. This creates a negative atmosphere and does not contribute to a positive experience on the forum, especially for new members.

Look at namepoos as an example, the amount of people that have left over conflict is insane. I remember one member went around and disliked a ton of my posts after he disagreed with something.

So voice your opinion, use the down thumb emoticon but that's where it stays and members (especially new ones) will not be intimidated.
But, then we get to the facts. And the facts are that people get feeling of being rejected and disrepected when their posts get downvoted.
If you get offended that much by someone disagreeing with you slightly on a forum and ticking 'disagree' then i'd hate to think what real life is like for you.

Just my opinion of course. Each to their own and all that.
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I had it where a moderator on here arbitrarily decided to 'negatively react' to one or more of my posts, one being on a 'sold' post of mine, because they didn't like the fact that I reacted with 'funny' on one of their sales posts. A genuine reaction so I added it and didn't think anything of it, until the retaliation reactions started.

So I've had both sides of the coin... and it was the 'funny' emoji that caused the offense, not the disagree or thumbs down.

I'm not a big fan of unwritten rules, such as the aforementioned "don't react negatively to my sales threads" rule, that I treaded on unknowingly. I feel like these things should be enforced programmatically in the forum's code if that's possible for you, instead of there being unwritten rules or just buried in the terms.

- If the intention is to prevent new users from sulking, prevent negative reactions on new user posts programmatically.
- If everyone accepts that there shouldn't be negative reactions on sales posts, then add that restriction to all sales forum posts.

Who's to say that 'funny' isn't negative or used to offend, or that the new 'wow' one isn't going to be used to say someone is a bit mental..... I mean... c'mon
, it looks like it.

I think it's overkill to remove negative reactions entirely and treat everyone like babies, for the main reason that I hate the ever increasing enshittification of social media and how they only do it to keep advertisers happy. Places like acorn are at least a last vestige of sanity and normalcy most of the time. You're allowed to have an opinion here, unlike on social media.

I want more honesty, not less.

Here's an excerpt from the wiki page for enshittification, for those not in the know, it's a pattern ❌:

Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.
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Nobody learns anything without some explanation.

So I've had both sides of the coin... and it was the 'funny' emoji that caused the offense, not the disagree or thumbs down.
huhh.. yes, we have all been there.. and many of us can get pass this, and, at the same time, many can't..

Best wishes all!!

Quick reminder: we have a meetup (free) on July 16th : https://www.acorndomains.co.uk/thre...-beer-and-domains-host-titan-research.180384/ .. remember to apply in person > this promisses to be a great one!

Best! H
The only posts I've seen getting a lot of negative reactions were ones made by the owner/admin of the forum and that is often because the threads are closed so people can't write why they disagree

A forums value is the userbase no? yet you don't listen to us at all.
I’m asking this in good faith, as a person unconnected to the ownership of the forum. Would you consider applying to be a moderator here?

Here no, seems a thankless task

I have moderated on forums in the past, ones that I enjoyed and needed moderating to keep them enjoyable.

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