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Same domain, multiple marketplaces

May 26, 2016
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What are your thoughts on listing domains on different sites at the same time, e.g. Sedo and Uniregistry?

Assuming you can keep on top of managing them, are there any reasons not to do it?
Yes, I'd have thought so too. I only ask because I vaguely recall someone saying on a forum (possibly this one) that listing the same domain on different sites was asking for trouble. Wish I could find the thread, as I don't remember reading a reason why.
I remember a similar topic, in that, someone said it could cause problems if a bidder were to take the BIN price on one site, and another bidder did the same on another site where you had the same domain listed.

I can't see that happening in reality, and avoidable anyway if you have the domain set to "make offer", then if you got 2 different offers at the same time on 2 sites, you can cancel one of the bids.
Ah that makes sense. Yes the risk is minimal for the handful of domains I have, though it would be a pain if it did happen. I guess it would be safer to only have a BIN price on one site and just accept offers on the other(s).
Ah that makes sense. Yes the risk is minimal for the handful of domains I have, though it would be a pain if it did happen. I guess it would be safer to only have a BIN price on one site and just accept offers on the other(s).
I also think so, set a BIN price on only 1 place, and on other places set make an offer or asking price,...

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