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Some Sad News I'm Afraid...

Certainly sad to hear. I met Julian on here and did some work with him on the earliest iterations of Domain Manage. We haven't spoken for a while and it's a pity we won't get that chance. RIP!
It's with great sadness to report that @JMI (Julian) sadly passed away on Saturday.
An extremely fit individual who was a PTI in the army and taken very suddenly at the very young age of 46.

I'm guessing many of you personally may not have met Julian or had dealings with him. He was a great family man and one of those friends that everybody needs in their life. He would pick the phone up immediately, at any hour, if you needed help or simply just to talk.

Yes, he's posts on here were a bit cryptic, but that was he's quirky sense of humour. Write some crap that means nothing, light the touch paper and sit back and watch the debate.

RIP fella, you will be missed.

Gosh, that is a shock. Had some dealings with him back in the day on geo domains. Thank you for sharing the news here.
Shocking news. A true gentleman of domaining. My condolences to his family. Will miss his thought provoking posts.
I know a bit more info, but not for sharing on an open forum.

Such sad news for his wife, children and close family.
Awful news. Events like this are really sobering. 46 is an extremely young age in this modern world.

As Marcus Aurelius said, “You may leave this life at any moment: have this possibility in your mind in all that you do or say or think.”

We must live as if we will die in the next moment, because one day that moment will be next.

Stay healthy and happy everyone, and RIP to this man whom I had no idea served in the forces. Thanks for your service @JMI may you rest in peace now.
For those that never had the chance to meet Julian in person, this is what he looks like. Apparently he was bored at home and thought he’d wear his UN beret

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