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Uk Dropcatch Software - Any Recommendations?

Nov 13, 2017
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I'm looking for UK dropcatch software. Any recommendations?

Kind Regards
I recommend using the search bar.
I've used 'dropcatch software' and 'dropcatching software' and about 5 other variations. I always search before I post. Very little results. What search terms do you recommend?
I've used 'dropcatch software' and 'dropcatching software' and about 5 other variations. I always search before I post. Very little results. What search terms do you recommend?

i think the only one available is from Transcom.net that you can buy of the shelf, not sure how good it is.
You could easily write your own script or i would recommend you buy one from someone like Transcom.net, i definitely would not use any hosted chasing if you are "New" to catching or if you are just starting back out.
You could easily write your own script

I think you're talking specifically from your own experience and talent towards it :p it's not easy to write your own script and I doubt someone new to coding could make anything competitive

or i would recommend you buy one from someone like Transcom.net, i definitely would not use any hosted chasing if you are "New" to catching or if you are just starting back out.

Why not anything hosted? assuming you're paying by catch then it seems pretty no risk, assuming it's a competitive system and worthwhile using
You could easily write your own script or i would recommend you buy one from someone like Transcom.net, i definitely would not use any hosted chasing if you are "New" to catching or if you are just starting back out.
Hi - do you know how good that 'Transcom' script is? I've heard mixed things about it.
Are you sure that DomainCatch and HostedChasing have caught none of your last 50 bookings? Were none of the domains auctioned on UKBackorder or DomainLore?

Did you manage to prebook all 50 names at the places that only allow 1 booking? For example it’s possible that some of the domains could have been caught on these tags and then automatically tag changed to their new owner before being checked on the Whois a few minutes later.

1) I haven't tried hostedchasing.com yet as you can only use a tag to catch their auction domains.
2) I'll check out domaincatch. Thanks for the tip.
Not all were booked on each service. Each had certain free slots I could grab.

Do you know any other hosted services? I've scoured these forums as few times to find places - but you've just listed one I haven't come across before.


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